Noticable Effects, but Diminishing Return
Citation:   Foxx Fire. "Noticable Effects, but Diminishing Return: An Experience with DMAE (exp38606)". Jun 13, 2007.

300 mg oral DMAE (daily)
Recently read an article about DMAE stating that it helped brain function and cognitive ability. After years of self inflicted brain damage by means of MDMA and such, I decided to take something that might reverse the effects.

I started on 200mg daily and kept that dosage up for about a week. My initial reaction was positive although mild. I noticed that my dreams became more vivid as well as memorable and my thoughts seemed slightly clearer but not by much. I experienced the biggest effects when I up the dosage to 300mg's on the second week. For the next three weeks I experienced much clearer thoughts, felt more awake during the day, improved memory and an over all sense of well being. I would like to point out that before this experiment with DMAE my cognitive function was useless as I could hardly think straight and had no memory to speak of.

I am now into my sixth week of DMAE and I am still on 300mg per day. It does not seem to affect nor boost me as it did during that first four weeks. My dreams have lost some of there vividness and my concentration levels seem to be ebbing. I do still feel that it is worth taking and that the drug is helping me in ways that might be more subtle then before but they are still there.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38606
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2007Views: 12,313
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DMAE (151) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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