Citation:   boxboy. "X-Babble: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp3866)". Erowid.org. Feb 9, 2001. erowid.org/exp/3866

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
.saturday, november 18, 2000.

10:20 pm ingested one blue fish orally. psychosomatic feeling almost immediately afterwards.

10:51 pm feel like i'm taking off. (note: this is highly unusual. it should have taken an hour to effect me, but i was obviously rolling after 40 minutes.)

11:34 pm speedy as hell- rising and falling- sedate but speedy- my attention span is so short that i'm tired of this notebook- fridge buzz- time references- too much light this time- taking words from conversation time, space, money..- having trouble focusing. hope i'll come back to this later... don't feel sick anymore. cue for cigarette.

12:00 am plenty of indecision- plenty of radiohead- feeling just fine in a familiar sort of way. living- a beautiful picture of blues and greens and things are okay i let my mind move i let move move i let my mind we go very quickly chewing gum feeling warm smooth throb at base of skull electric light- perhaps too much- in a sea of all these scribbled words the moon shines into these people that we are.

2:42 am a nice comedown after walking through blue moonlit streets. everyone is gone to the spinning infinities; we have taken control of this city.

3:43 am i'm now pretty stoned; feeling insecure about my writing ability. focusing on mental images (closed eye visuals) of sound and feeling lovely.

3:43 am (again?) eyes no longer dilated, very baked, feeling nice and numb. unable to focus (psychologically), try to make words come out of this pen. my teeth feel funny. this writing is a crazy screen. attempt to reassemble in the morning. i'm all throbbed back to this big bunch of crazy doors on either side of my person. just babble here. disown yourself. disarm yourself. de-zone yourself. i think this ink is occurring to me as the scribbled nonsense that it is. soon i will be laughing at myself for having done it before. selective word. sell me some shoes.

12:15 pm woke up to visual hallucinations- cigarette buzz brings everything back. a wound up ball of useless emotion envelopes my consciousness. i feel lucid and anxious with a fluxing happy/sad sentimental feeling. the trees and buildings outside are very clear; everything is clean and crisp in this winter air, but at the same time i wish it was summer. this all brings me back to the constant flux of things; cycles, convections, and a simple inability to stop moving.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2001Views: 12,413
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MDMA (3) : Alone (16), General (1)

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