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Thank You for Changing My Life
by KDO
Citation:   KDO. "Thank You for Changing My Life: An Experience with LSD (exp38734)". Dec 15, 2018.

2 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Thank You, LSD

I'm writing this because it's been one year since my first acid trip and the change of my life, and also for anyone who thinks that illicit drugs have never benefited somebody's life.

I made it through my first semester at college. (Champagne!) In typical college fashion of an early flight the next day, I stayed up all night so I could pass out on the plane. (Which I did.) I got home later that night and I went out to see all my friends, and I was asked if I wanted some acid. I'd always wanted to, so I jumped at the chance. Me and three friends did it the next day at about noon. About one hour after putting two little squares of paper in my mouth I felt the something-not-quite-right feeling. About half an hour later we were tripping balls. That day included a journey to a chicken wing place, our favorite headshop, and then another friend's house where I drew some songs on her bedroom wall. (She let me.) Followed by a return to my house where we partied in my room, still tripping. I smoked some weed and drank some grain alcohol that night, but there was no drunk or stoned, just acid trip. Much later that night I went to my friends house, still tripping, to smoke his hookah. I think I got to sleep at about seven or eight in the morning.

The visuals were amazing. To this day I don't look at water the same way. My favorite aspect was that I could read people's faces. I could tell exactly what they were thinking, what they wanted, just by their facial expression.
My favorite aspect was that I could read people's faces. I could tell exactly what they were thinking, what they wanted, just by their facial expression.
I have not been able to replicate that feat since.

I think that day I found God. He is inside me, inside every human, I just needed acid to find it. For the first time I felt complete, like I knew what direction I wanted my life to go in. Acid revealed to me what I wanted. Looking back, it seems now that my whole life before I never knew or did what I truly wanted.

One year later, I have since changed my major to chemistry, started my own business and have about two hundred pages written of my book. Lysergic acid diethylamide changed my life. So many of the things I love would not have been possible without it. I am so thankful for being given that experience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 38734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2018Views: 1,054
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