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A Trade with Nature
Citation:   Moseyack. "A Trade with Nature: An Experience with Cannabis (exp3879)". Mar 6, 2001.

0.5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I parked my car at the entrance to the Rainbow Falls bush track, and sparked up a joint of good bud. I thought I'd better leave my intake at 4 tokes 'cos I'd had bad experiences with weed lately due to spinal problems and weird skull sensations.

I do a lot of walking (while stoned) in the beautiful bush/river tracks around my area. It is a very healthy and enjoyable activity alone or with good company. The Rainbow Falls track runs alongside a beautiful river and is surrounded by native and introduced bush. It is one of three areas I frequent.

As I descended into the forest, I felt a deep respect for the ancient moss-covered natural rock walls, and emerged into the clearing where the huge falls can be viewed. The power was immense, and I felt the huge downwards force having an effect on me, but then I noticed the spray lifting up and floating away - forces balanced, and I picked myself up again. Some (Dutch? German?) tourists looked at me and looked scared and nervous - I don't know why (I don't think it was weed paranoia) - I looked normal and was wearing normal clothing - shit, I even smiled at them, but their reactions made me feel bad, unwelcome in my homeland. I tried to ignore it and made my way further down the track.

Passing more angry/frightened tourists who volunteered nothing but sneers and timid glances, I was starting to have a bad buzz. My spinal/cranial pains were playing up, and my mood was worsening. I continued down the track and came upon a grove of strange, ancient trees. Suddenly, it was all clear - the destructive force inside me was attacking me (I had been training hard in my Taekwondo all week), and possibly it showed through and scared the tourists on some level, too. I felt I had to give some of it to the trees, so I spread my fingers and let it drain out through my arms. This felt right. I also felt the trees reward me by soothing my mood and my body. It was like a trade of my destructive potential energy for their healing.

After this turning point, my buzz picked right up. I passed some American tourists, a couple wearing bright parkas, and greeted them as I did the others, and they gave me warm greetings back - they weren't scared!

I then decided I wanted to be close to the water, so I cruised down to the river and picked out a good place to sit on the flat stones in the middle. I sat there for an hour, basking in the gentle sun peeking through the canopy, contemplating the nature of water and the trade I had just made. I felt good to be alive. I thanked nature and made my way back up the track.

On my way back, I contemplated what things would be like if social structures were different. What if we still had Kings and Knights and Druids? Surely it would be fitting, I thought, to follow the ways of these majestic forests? It seems that as we've 'advanced,' people's minds have become blunted or desensitised to this underlying magic in nature, and using certain drugs is one way to recapture and experience this beauty - if only for a short time.

- Moseyack (

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3879
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2001Views: 4,763
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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