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Visiting Ancient Tenochtitlan
Cannabis & PCP
Citation:   Oscify. "Visiting Ancient Tenochtitlan: An Experience with Cannabis & PCP (exp38863)". Jun 25, 2007.

2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked PCP  
[Erowid Note: Some authors report suspicions that their cannabis has been 'laced' (adulterated), in some cases, presumably with PCP. While this is possible, readers should be aware that idiosyncratic response to the effects of cannabis (usually higher doses) can lead some users to presume their cannabis has been 'laced'. There is no way to know if the cannabis in the report below was adulterated or not. Reports of plant material and cannabis laced with powerful synthetic cannabinoids and other psychoactive substances became more common starting in 2007.]

One night a friend (Named Will)and I were rather desperate to get high.

I remembered that I had these two itty bitty joints that combined equaled about a bowl. Another friend had given me these and they appeared to have been dipped in piss. Apparently, this was not the case.

We put these two joints in Will's pipe and sat down at his kitchen table for a smoke, where we had some muffins and other delicious baked goods. It was about 11:00 pm. By the time we had finished the bowl, I was already Higher than I had ever been in my entire life. I forgot my own name. When I was eating I forgot how to swallow, but I was sooooo hungary. I realized maybe it was more than just pot when the fridge and the stove started talking to each other and edging toward us. that was just the first five minutes.

At this point, we decided to go outside and ride our bikes a bit. It was now probably 11:30. We went to the community garden and walked around. it was as if there was some sort of portal under the grape arbor, but it was kind of scary, so we didn't investigate.

We rode our bikes some more. At this point, time was completely meaningless. we ended up on the bike path. As we rode, trees became gorillas. I was sure that one had picked up Will off the ground to eat him only to turn and see him riding right behind me. He told me that at the same time he was convince we were in the game of Mario Kart. All this off of one bowl!

We had ended up miles from home and came to a skate park. We rode around it in circles for what were probably hours. To me it was like visiting an Aztec city. All of the concrete structures had become pyramids and huts. It was the most psychopathic shit ever. We also rode around in this bowl thing figure eights.

I don't remember much else until I got home at 4 am. The next day I was still high.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 38863
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 3,749
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PCP (113), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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