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Fabulous with Boo Radley
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Miss M.. "Fabulous with Boo Radley: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp38929)". May 10, 2007.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I had taken MDMA twice prior to this experience, and had thoroughly enjoyed it, but I had also only ever experienced an emotional and body high, and not much of a mental high. This being my third time, I was hoping I would have a good time. Little did I know I was about to have the best time on E I'd ever had.

My good friend G and I decided to take it together. We've been through a lot together, and have recently become very close, so I knew it would be a pretty intense emotional experience. It was also G's first time taking E, so I was excited to show her how much fun it could be and how great of a time we would have. We decided to go see a movie, but not just any movie: The Polar Express, The I-max Experience! You know, those crazy 3D movies with the glasses. Of course, those movies would be amazing on any substance, but E seemed to fit it pretty perfectly. We were going to be in public, and being high in public can be dangerous. But, since we were going to be around a lot of people, we didn't worry about anyone noticing. We just decided to make up a code name for talking about E, if we had to, so we decided on the name 'Boo Radley', though I can't remember why.

We took our tablets at about 4:20 or 4:25 in the afternoon. Instead of swallowing them, like I had done before, the guy we'd bought them from told us to bite them with our back molars and swallow them, as it would hit us faster. So we did this, and it tasted absolutely horrible--the most chemical thing I have EVER tasted, without a doubt--but we knew it'd be worth it, so, down the hatch it went. G's mom drove us to the movie theater, which was about 15 minutes away, so we thought we'd be pretty safe, and the E wouldn't kick in until we were away from her and didn't have to act normal. Strangely enough, though, the first waves began to roll over us at about 4:45 or 4:50, when we were in the car. We tried not to say much, but as I later confirmed with G, we were both definitely starting to feel it that quickly. After we got out of the car, the waves were coming on much more quickly. I was definitely surprised at how fast and hard the E hit, since it's never happened like that before for me. We walked through the shopping center and towards the theater, and I felt like I completely lost my body. I felt like I was just a head, floating in the air, and moving toward my destination.

Simply in the 5-minute walk to the theater, we encountered some pretty weird things. I felt like the entire world knew we had taken E, and just wanted to do things to try and enhance the high for us. There was some crazy man on stilts wearing a jester's costume, and he walked right up to us, bent down, and yelled something in our faces. Well, mine and G's natural response was to scream and run away, but G later told me she wished she would have asked the guy if she could have touched his pants. After this, we saw one of those carts that sell little items, and there were these remote-controlled mini flying saucers with blinking, flashing lights and spaceship noises. Everyone playing with them seemed to be flying them right at our faces.

When we reached the movie theater, after what seemed like forever, we climbed up the 5 or 6 stairs with a very strange feeling passing on each step. I felt like I was getting higher and higher with each step I took, and 'elevating' myself, so to speak, made my head spin, in an exhilarating way, and made my vision jarr a little bit. The movie theater we went to was HUMUNGOUS, and played about 20 movies, so it was made to accomodate a lot of people, which of course meant, that there were unbelievably bright neon lights everywhere. Things started to get a little overwhelming. G and I got our tickets and went inside, and immediately got confused. The lights were extremely disorienting. We handed our tickets to the wrong person, so he pointed us in the other direction. When the ticket-ripper guy recieved us, he gave us this horribly long, insanely complicated sentence about where to go, so we just said, 'Uh, thanks' and walked away, neither of us understanding what he said, so we were left to find the movie on our own.

We went to the bathroom, and I sat down in the stall and felt like I couldn't bring myself to actually go pee. I kept looking around the stall all wide-eyed. It was so bright in there. I wondered about the patterns on the door; black paint with little white spots. I was starting to breathe really heavily, and I could practically feel my eyes dilating. Flushing the toilet ground on my every nerve, it was so loud that I closed my eyes and covered my ears. I began to feel slightly nauseous, and overheated, but I felt so good that I knew even if I were to throw up, it would feel incredible. At one point I even had the thought of, 'man, I hope I throw up!' Luckily, it was quite subdued when I drank enough water.

Then, finally, G and I made our way to the I-max theater, after getting more cups of water. We grabbed the 3D glasses, but then got confused yet again. You see, the theater was misleading. The entrance to the theater, for some reason that I will never understand, had a big green EXIT sign over it. G was trying to go that way, but I was convinced that the theater was in this little alcove next to the EXIT sign, where there was a vending machine and a Christmas decoration. I spent about 5 minutes arguing with G over the placement of the theater, and I finally trusted her enough to take me through the doors with the EXIT sign. She was right, luckily! We walked in and put on our glasses, and sat down in about the 6th row.

Wow-- let me tell you, the visuals were absolutely amazing. The movie, even sober, was extremely well made, and the graphics were very lifelike. But, add the element of ecstasy, and it's one of the most powerful things I'll ever watch. I felt myself getting higher and higher throughout the course of the movie, until I reached a crazy peak about an hour through. All at once (and it had been building up to this), I felt like I had taken my brain out of my head and put it in a warm bathtub, because my head grew extremely warm and tingly. My entire body then began to tingle, my heart started racing even faster, I felt my eyes dilating MORE, and I just took a deep breath and let it out in a blissful ecstasy sigh. At this point I felt like I was having an amazing orgasm, but not in the sexual way, just in emotions and mentality. I felt completely and utterly blissful, in love with everything and everyone, and unbelievably content to just sit in a movie theater and watch a beautiful movie. I leaned over to G and whispered, 'I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!' I was so filled up with emotion and giddiness that I just had to let some of it out, even if I disturbed everyone in the theater.

After hitting my peak, I definitely still felt high, but I didn't feel as out of my mind as before. The feeling had gotten a little overwhelming and even a tad scary beforehand, but now I felt it was more under control. G and I held hands throughout the rest of the movie, and when we walked out, we exclaimed for about 20 minutes how much fun we had in the theater. We hadn't spoken much to each other the entire time, apart from 'Wow, look at that!' and other such things, but we both felt as though we'd just connected on such a different level, like we had had a long, serious discussion about ourselves and our friendship.

The most intense part of the high was over, and we decided to just relax and reminisce about the experience. We went and got coffee and sat down to talk, still feeling pretty giggly and happy. I asked G what she thought about ecstasy, and she said it was completely wonderful. At that moment I was just so incredibly happy that she enjoyed the night that I could have cried tears of happiness. I just felt like living was such a beautiful thing, and that everything should be taken into account, and nothing should be overlooked or taken advantage of. I felt like the simple pleasures in life were the things that were the most wonderful. I took immense pleasure in just BREATHING, it felt so good to take big deep breaths, and G said she felt the same way.

After this, even though our high was wearing off, we went into this store called In A Tranz, which just sells all these raver accessories and trippy stuff. We bought two little 99 cent glowsticks and chewed on them for the rest of the night, and just had fun staring at the strobe lights in the glow store. We got our ride home at about 9:00 pm, and I hugged G goodbye and thanked her for the evening. I then came home and proceeded to be unnaturally outgoing with my family, and took a warm bath and just relaxed and thought back over the night.

All in all, if used the right way, I truly believe ecstasy is an amazing drug. It makes me feel so much closer to loved ones, and the feelings are completely real, unlike being drunk, where I just want to say 'I love everyone!!' and I don't really mean it. On E, I feel like I can say anything and have people respond in a good way. I want to pour my heart out and share my wonderful feelings with everyone else. I highly reccommend it, but only if you have thought and planned ahead, and know the risks and precautions involved. This is not a drug to be fucked with, but it has great benefits if used correctly.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38929
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2007Views: 7,660
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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