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Concussion Induced Out-of-Body Experience
OBE & Police
Citation:   Raquel B. "Concussion Induced Out-of-Body Experience: An Experience with OBE & Police (exp39144)". Jun 25, 2007.

It may have been the second day in a row that I confronted one of the Mall preachers at a University. Three cops jumped me. I passed out in their grip and hit my head hard on the concrete. I remember thinking, 'This is bliss.' I saw the circling, cartoonish stars above my head. Then surged off into the galaxy toward the light. I heard someone in the crowd say, 'you didn't have to do that to her.' At which point I hovered above the crowd and asked myself, 'what condition is the body in?' I could see/tell that my body was still in good condition and then suddenly quickened to my feet.

The cops took me away but let me go. The next day an outraged student was gathering signatures looking for witnesses but I told him not to bother 'I forgive them (the cops).' This was dumb, I could have easily sued the cops for several thousand dollars, which $$$ I could have used. Also, the next day, I was under my car looking at something. There was a soft spot on my head, which on the hard concrete caused the OBE to reoccur but I relieved the pressure and stopped the experience from happening again.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39144
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 10,772
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OBE (332), Police / Customs (60) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), School (35)

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