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So Warm and Wonderful
Citation:   That Kitten Girl. "So Warm and Wonderful: An Experience with MDMA (exp39182)". Oct 13, 2020.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
The First Time

I tried E for the first time a few months ago, and have not tried it since, though I'd love to. Before this, I've smoked pot and drank alcohol. I just never was much around people who did many drugs.

One night, my boyfriend J and I were hanging out at his apartment, when his roomates ask if we want to roll. Neither of us have done it, and though we both wanted to, he said no. He didn't trust his roomates much, and he was worried about the quality of the E. He didn't want us dying or something!

Anyway, we went out for a few hours, and came back to A, D, and M hanging out in the living room. We decided to sit with them and watch TV. J got a little drunk, and I was smoking some pot with the others. They had 5 pills left, and again offered us some E, telling us we could pay them back whenever. It was so tempting. But at this time I was not working, and J didn't make a whole lot. We didn't really want to owe anyone money. I don't remember how much. But eventually they just pushed the pills toward us, and said 'We are just gonna leave those there. For you. Do what you want.'

We looked at each other, said why the fuck not, and began our first E experience. We took them around midnight, and I was excited. Finally, we'd get to try something that I have heard so much about. About 10-15 minutes later, J goes 'Woah!' and squeezes my shoulder hard. It hit him. He keep squeezing me and going woaah. I was still waiting for it to kick in, so I was just like 'Ow, quit that. It hurts!' Everyone kind of laughed, and A told me to get up and walk around some. So I walked around the kitchen a little, and started to feel a little tingly and nice.

I sat back down, this time on J's lap, and I felt so warm and wonderful. Before I realized what I was doing, I realized that I was just petting his arm and feeling the most warm, happy, accepting feelings I have ever felt. We sat there and cuddled for a while, and the others just kind of giggled at us. We were watching TV, but we could not focus on one thing long enough to actually watch it. We must have switched DVD's 5 or 6 times.

J and I had heard that sex is amazing on E. Well, this turned out to not be true. I'd much rather hug and cuddle, basking in the feeling. Neither of us could cum, and it was just frustrating. Also, as soon as I took my clothes off, I started freezing. It was terrible. I just could not get warm. Suddenly, the feeling vanished and was replaced by tons of energy. I just wanted to talk or walk around or ... just anything. I wanted to do something. He, on the other hand, could hardly move. We figure it had something to do with the alcohol. Although he felt good, he said he just could not get up. So the night was spent in his room, just talking and playing.

We ended up falling asleep around 5 or so ... waking up around 9. We felt weird the next day. Sort of drained, tired but unable to sleep. Kind of sad that it was over. He did say some things that made me uncomfortable while we were high. He apologized the next day. When on E, stuff just comes out. I don't have inhibitions. It's great, but the next day I actually thought about some of the things we said, and felt a little sad.
When on E, stuff just comes out. I don't have inhibitions. It's great, but the next day I actually thought about some of the things we said, and felt a little sad.

It was the greatest night ever. I can see how people get addicted to E. If we had more money, and easier access to it, I bet we'd be doing it more. Words can't accurately describe how I felt, but it was awesome.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39182
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2020Views: 824
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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