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Extremely Analytical
Citation:   BlenderHead. "Extremely Analytical: An Experience with LSD (exp3928)". Dec 26, 2001.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I am writing this the after my trip and am both mentally and physically exhausted. The day began with me and two other friends. They were completely indifferent about preparation (because they have experience with acid) and therefore I was too. Before going into the trip a whirlwind of thoughts such as anticipation, fear, and excitement were spinning around in my head (which I assume is typical of first time users). Both of my friends took one and 1/2 hits and I took only one. We dropped at approximately 7:00 and it was about 8:00 when it began to take effect.

The first phase was an electric charge of energy, and a mild tingling sensation that consumed my whole body. It intensified and at times became almost overwhelming. The only negative effects to note were slight nausea and an acidic taste in the back of my throat. The next phase was one of bliss and ecstacy. All of my senses were altered, not only enhanced but distorted and this also created great confusion. The visuals were not as impressive as I imagined they would be but they were impressive nontheless. Walls were pulsating and light in contrast to dark radiated beautifully. I tend to get carried away with philosophizing and over-analyze everything. So when the acid stimulated this trait it became the theme of the trip, not just for myself but my friends as well.

I would like to discuss how it heightened my appreciation of music. I decided to take a break from my friends' company and walked towards a room where a stereo is located. The Grateful Dead was on and I remember just being so struck by its sincerity. I could just sense all the emotion being injected in to this man's voice. Also my sense of taste and feel were impacted profoundly. We were eating from a vegetable tray and I was just infatuated with how it all felt in my hands, the texture was exquisite and the taste was incredible.

Anyways back to the theme... we all became extremely analytical almost to the point of pretentiousness. I felt as though I was discovering myself, my friends, the world, life etc.. I think I would describe it as a revelation, but just like that it would be forgotten or it would just be meaningless. I have so much more to say but the length of this report is absurd so I will just explain what I have learned from my experience with acid... I take myself too seriously. I search for meaning and depth in things that simply do not have either.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 8,104
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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