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Great Results From a Nursery
Leonurus sibircus
Citation:   Crucible. "Great Results From a Nursery: An Experience with Leonurus sibircus (exp39370)". Aug 24, 2005.

  smoked Leonurus sibiricus (dried)
I work within the Mining Sector in Outback Australia and we are subject to rigorous (planned and random) drug testing. Therefore we had very clean systems when we trialed this modified Marahuanilla and we were extremely pleased with the results.

Having been an experienced smoker of hydro cannabis prior to the introduction of drug testing at my job, I am always looking at alternatives. Some of my friends had ordered Marahuanilla before and we were always disappointed and in most cases we were only slightly affected. In my opinion, the usual stuff you buy can (at best) be likened to smoking low-grade cannabis leaf. The content was usually flower heads and leaf material.

I contacted a Nursery in another state that specializes in supplying plant products to the Medical Industry. After much correspondence and cajoling, they agreed to grow Leonurus Sibiricus and harvest it for me. Yes, I had to pay them to research the subject. :( After nearly eight months of receiving their crop reports, I was advised they were satisfied with the final product they had developed. We then received approx 16 ounces of nothing but Marahuanilla flower heads. It was labeled “Research Material Only”. The flower heads were very soft (even the usual prickles were soft) and there was a slight but pleasant aroma. It was also far paler than any other Marahuanilla we had seen. Almost uniformly pale yellow. We smoked a cone each through a chilled water vessel. The effects were immediate: a sedative/euphoric feeling which lasted about an hour. Music was brighter and everyone agreed they felt more sociable. Also some slight attacks of the giggles but no paranoia or munchies. The smoke is smooth and palatable but nothing like the taste associated with quality hydro cannabis. When smoking 4~6 cones in succession, there is a loss of fine motor skills and a strong lethargy.
I don’t recommend driving after a heavy session of this product.

Now that the Nursery has sorted out the growing process, they are selling the product to me for $4 per 16 grams. A very good return, considering the initial investment. I can’t endorse the Marahuanilla that is normally available via the Internet or through Head Shops. It may be useful for extending the supply of one's favourite smoking herbs but that’s about it. But this particular product is a very good and potent alternative to cannabis. I recommend spending some time researching Nurseries that service the Medical Industry. In our case the gamble, money and long wait have reaped great dividends.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39370
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2005Views: 26,389
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Leonurus sibiricus (277) : Cultivation / Synthesis (31), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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