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Not Lifechanging, But a Wonderful Experience
MDMA (Ecstasy), Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis
Citation:   Princess Shiba. "Not Lifechanging, But a Wonderful Experience: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis (exp39446)". Aug 20, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 4:00   smoked Cannabis (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Upon the changing of the New Year to 2005, I took the time to reflect on my past New Years experiences and remember the good times I have had with close friends. One of my best memories of New Years past was two year ago when I was celebrating New Years 2003. It was during this time when I embarked on my second Ecstasy roll.

New Year's Eve came about with no big plans in store. My friends and I, all of whom have rolled once before, decided to go to a party, sip on champagne, and ring in the New Year like pretty much everyone else in America, no drugs involved. However things changed when a friend of a friend stopped by and told us he was selling beans, extremely strong beans because he had used them himself the day before. They were large green pills with a Mercedes sign on them. We bought them spontaneously.

The time before when I rolled we had prepared everything down to the T. We bought water, lollipops, Vick inhalers, glowsticks, burned the best techno CDs, and set up a strobe light. This time we had nothing, except a few good CDs. In a frantic run to a convenience store at 9:30 PM, we quickly stocked up on glowsticks, several Vicks inhalers and borrowed a friend's strobe light and black light. A good friend of ours was throwing a New Year's Party and we wanted to be there when the New Years Ball dropped in Times Square so we all took our first bean of the night at 11:00 PM, left our rolling supplies at home, and headed to the party.

It was there, while waiting for the ball to drop, that I first noticed effects of the bean. I am a female, was 22 at the time, about 5'3, and weighed about 125 pounds, so it really only took me about 20 minutes to notice that I was more sensitive to lights and sound. None of my friends reported feeling any effects, and no one else at the party was rolling so I began to get nervous that I was all alone in the world. 'You're not feeling anything?' I kept asking my friends. They kept telling me not to worry, not to talk about it, just to enjoy the euphoric feeling, but at the time I couldn't. I was concerned that I would look ridiculous to all the non-rolling party-goers.

Finally my friend leaned over and reported that she was f***ed up too. At that moment the counting began toward New Years 2003 and we all yelled. '10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!' And right then this rush of euphoria came over me and everyone at the party was hugging and pouring champagne and suddenly all was right with the world. After the commotion had died down all my friends were feeling the effects. We went to the bathroom and stared in the mirror, our pupils were HUGE. We agreed to get out of there to go home and enjoy our roll in a place where we could be completely comfortable.

On the way home the lights from the city were beautiful. I had never noticed what a beautiful city we lived in before until I saw all the traffic lights and street lights in a different way. They were shimmering and lovely. I rolled the window down in the car and enjoyed the feeling of the cold air on my face. We listened to techno music and savored the feeling. When we got home we just plopped down on the couch and awaited some other friends who were rolling as well. The strobe light and music was turned on and we just quietly listened to the sounds. I had my first blow-up at this point, when the music gradually went from slow to fast.

When I rolled for the first time, I had experienced a desire to be touched, to be massaged, and rubbed. This time all I wanted was the Vicks inhaler and I didn't want to be touched at all. I enjoyed the inhaler being blown into my eyes and mouth. I also enjoyed being alone, in silence, not talking, whereas before I needed a constant presence of friendship around me. It just goes to show you how different each and every MDMA experience is.

Meanwhile, our friends had arrived with Whip Its. I had never done them before, and wasn't wanting to try them, but at one point I was blowing up so hard I was told I was missing something by not trying one. I tried it and I will admit it was one of the most amazing experiences I had ever had. I stared into the strobe light so hard I was seeing double and I thought to myself, 'This is what the world looks like when everyone is happy and everyone loves each other.' I decided not to do anymore Whip Its for the night. I had experienced it and now I wanted to blow myself up in more natural ways.

A friend swung me around and tossed my head around, the feeling was indescribable. Another friend started doing glowsticks and it was incredible, far away and then in my face and then far away again. I chewed on ice, all the while making sure to drink plenty of water. I took a shower and brought the strobe light with me, the feeling of water on my back and the light's motion blew me up to new heights. I definitely recommend showering on E.

When I started to come down (after 4 hours) I smoked a joint. When I had rolled the first time I found that marijauna enhanced my roll incredibly but this time I felt it brought me down a bit, but perhaps because I was coming down it made me feel sober again, talkative and funny like I usually am. At about 3 AM we all took our second bean. We talked and listened to techno-Sandstorm was a favorite of the night-and let the next bean sink in. We went outside to light our fireworks, not a good idea for an inebriated person might I add, and I began to do glowsticks myself.

I don't consider myself a person with a lot of rythym but for some reason I just moved to the music with the glowsticks and blew everyone up. It made me so happy that I was able to make others feel good. I loved the dancing and the movement made me feel more euphoric. Once I was able to get over my self consciousness I was able to let loose and enjoy having others roll balls to my movement. That's another thing I will say about E, it definitely lowers inhibitions but not like alcohol. Alcohol dims sensations and I end up saying stupid things but Ecstasy makes me feel invinsible, like I can do anything and no one on E judges me. All my friends were so grateful for me dancing with the glowsticks and everyone was trying to blow up everyone else, it was such a giving time. No one was being stingy and no one was happy if we weren't all happy, so we all made sure we were happy. We all felt like a good roll was when everyone was rolling hard.

I was still blowing up when the sun came up around 7. It was kind of a downer to realize that the room was getting bright and it was harder to see the glowsticks and the strobe light. I was getting tired of techno, and that’s when I decided to retreat to my room alone to finish out the rest of the roll. After saying goodbye and exchanging hugs with my friends, who were also still rolling, I headed to my room. I took another shower and got into my comfy pjs. I went to my room, drew the shades, and put in my soothing ocean and birds CD. I got into my bed under the down comforter and listened to the CD. I was immensely enjoying the sounds after all that pounding techno all night.

My dog, who had been outside all night to shield his poor ears from the music, curled up next to me and I lay in bed with him for the next few hours. I loved being alone, which is surprising because normally I hate being alone, especially in an altered state. Sleep wouldn't come, as I was still feeling effects as late as 12 noon. The first time I'd rolled I had the 'all ate up' feeling the next day and slept for hours, but this time I wasn't sleeping and didn't feel bad. My sense of time was messed up, but other than that I wasn't having any bad side effects, not even jaw tension. I wasn't hungry and didn't eat a bite that entire New Years Day. I just hung around my house, watched TV and let the effects of the night before slowly filter out of me.

All in all I will say that my second experience on Ecstasy was a wonderful experience but not lifechanging as some others have stated. I didn't have too many negative side effects other than pupil dilation and distorted depth perception and sleep problems, which was good. I had no depression or sadness following the roll either. As a conclusion I will mention some things that may have helped enhance the roll. The fact that it was spontaneous was a big plus. We didn't have all day or all week to contemplate the roll or to build ourselves up over it. It just happened and that made it seem like a stroke of good luck. I think a lot of times people get so worked up over something they end up disappointed with the final result. Had I had a long time to ponder it, I might have been more down with the actual effect.

By the way, with two X experiences under my belt, I think I'm ready to throw in the towel. I have had two wondrous times using X, but now I think I am over the curiosity and excitement. I would hate to have a bad roll and never want to do it again. I'd rather quit while I'm ahead as they say. But nothing is ever set in stone and I have a long life ahead of me, so we shall see what my future holds. It has been two years since that incredible roll, and I am content to remember that night.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 39446
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2007Views: 6,497
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), Large Group (10+) (19)

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