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Simply Pleasant
Citation:   Shidosha. "Simply Pleasant: An Experience with Cocaine (exp39495)". Feb 27, 2007.

1 line insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I finally encountered cocaine. I wasn't really expecting to either, the beauty of Christmas Break. A friend of mine told me that he had located a friend-of-a-friend who was selling some acid and x, and that we should go by her house and pick some up. We drove over to her house (four of us), and to my surprise, she was the most beautiful dealer of illicit substances that I had ever laid eyes on (of course this is mostly trivial). So anyway, my friend asked if she had acquired the LSD or MDMA, and of course she hadn't, that would have just been way too easy. We were disappointed, but she quickly remarked that she knew someone dealing coke and that we could get it virtually instantly. We were all in that mood where you must get your hands on any drug possible, so we rapidly agreed that we would like to purchase some.

Although I consider myself very knowledgable with respect to the world of drugs, I admittedly knew virtually nothing about cocaine. This made me fairly nervous, as did the fact that we were going to be paying 70$ for a gram, which in the world of marijuana use is basically insane. I was reassured by my gorgeous new friend that once we broke it up, we would be able to get a hell of alot out of it, which proved to be very true. As she meticulously broke it apart with a razor blade, the little chunks nearly quadrupled in size. Five out of six of us in the basement were completely inexperienced with this drug, so we were all feeling kind of nervous in an excited way, like kissing a girl for the first time or something.

The D.A.R.E. student in me came out a little bit for the first time in many years as I began to wonder if one of us would die or something horrible of that nature. Six lines were surgically prepared, one for each of us, and she began to pass it around on a mirror. I suddenly realized that I had rolled a 5$ bill into a straw while I was entranced by watching her prepare our mysterious drug. Suddenly it was my turn, without even thinking I leaned over the coke with the bill in my nose and watched the white powder disappear into my face. The only thing I could think was, 'holy shit, I just snorted coke, now I can't even decide whether or not I want to do this drug or not.' This was probably a good thing, as otherwise I may have just sat over it nervously for half an hour trying to work up the courage.

My smallest friend began to feel the effects first, he made a motion that his brain was exploding out of his head, although it was a bit much, as he looked very mellow. I wasn't sure, but I think it began to hit me as well. It was much different than I thought it would be. I didn't feel 'fucked up' at all, just really at peace and like I was made of liquid. Everyone got really chill and started talking happily about the most trivial things. The basement which was once cold was now about the most perfect place a person could be. I kept standing up and walking around, then returning to my couch. I couldn't really sit still, but it didn't bother me, I kept smiling at the thought of experiencing coke for the first time. We knew we had done very small doses, and we were enjoying it so far, so we opted to do more.

Slightly larger lines were broken out for everyone this time around. And once they were safely inside of us, we all felt very very calm. I felt like I was one with everything in the universe, especially everyone in the basement. Now when I would stand up compulsively to walk around I would do so while swaying my arms around because it felt amazing. I had a tremendous desire to have sex in a platonic sense, mainly a longing for the rush of being against another person. There seemed to be no hormonal activity behind my heightened sex drive, just the coke playing with my brain.

We drove home, which was simple, cocaine didn't seem to have any impact on my motor skills whatsoever. We all (myself and the two friends that I brought home with me) admitted that we kept having thoughts about wanting to do more, so we did, we each had another line and then watched a movie. It was nice, very much a body high. The experience was not very powerful, simply pleasant.

It is a short-lived high, probably about 30 minutes for me, and it did seem to have some slight after effects. I did feel tired afterwards, although not dramatically so, also the thoughts of doing more became mildly more persistent, although they went away very quickly and after a few hours I hadn't thought about it very much at all.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39495
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2007Views: 12,559
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Cocaine (13) : Sex Discussion (14), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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