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The Only Bad Drunk Experience I've Had
Citation:   Mystico. "The Only Bad Drunk Experience I've Had: An Experience with Alcohol (exp39645)". Erowid.org. Mar 28, 2019. erowid.org/exp/39645

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Me and 2 of my friends, who we will call B and C, decided on an easy Saturday that we were gonna get quite drunk, so we bought a 1/5 (1 liter) of Captain Morgan rum. It was a good drink in my opinion: and easy 70 proof, and not too hard in the taste dept. Anyways, so we go out on a guy's dock that C knows around 11:30PM and start drinking.

Me and B are responsibly using other liquids at the same time: I am chasing my shots and B has made a mix to drink... but C insists that he is fine with just taking his shots straight. We don't think much of it, although we try vainly to coax him out of it, and we begin to drink, and drink, and drink. We weren't quite expecting to finish the 1/5, but we did, with C chugging the last bit in 4 big gulps (no chaser), which me and B found rather disgusting. Nevertheless, we began our walk back to C's parents house after a cigarette or two, which is where we were staying the night.

On the way back, we began to feel the FULL effect of the alcohol: stumbling, laughing, and furthermore not really caring if anyone saw us in our drunken stupor.

As we approached his house, disaster struck. He suddenly got very very sick, so we propped him against B's car, because it also appeared he had lost his ability to support himself. Me and B thought he'd throw up real quick and that would be the end. Oh no... he threw up many times, then just sat there, way to drunk to be walking anywhere. We were afraid to take him inside and him start puking again inside the house, so we waited outside.

Suddenly, his parents come out. To this day I don't really know why they were up waiting for us at like 1:00AM, but whatever. They come out and me and B start freaking out. We try and punch C real quick behind the car to try and get him to act normal, repeatedly telling him his parents were coming and to stop acting like a fool. Of course this only brought a few groans as B accidentally hit him in the stomach.

His parents approach and immediately notice someting amiss. They begin questioning me and B, and quickly discover to their horror that C was throwing up and acting strange from his alcohol consumption. Me and B knew that it wasn't anything serious, and he just needed to throw up and then sleep it off, but his parents thought differently. They were convinced to keep him awake with a nice cold shower. Then they gave him gatorade to try and get other liquids to flush his system. They were somewhat disappointed in Me and B for allowing him to drink this much, despite our constant appologies. They did not make us leave, though, as they noticed we had consumed some of this beverage ourselves. So we ended up spending about 3 hours watching C making sure he didn't have alcohol poisoning, which of course he didn't, but his parents were very nervous about it. It was overall a miserable time after we got back to his house, and I was quickly sobered by his parents' appearance. But the time on the dock was quite enjoyable, but I probably would have picked another house to stay at if I could do that night over again.

Also to this day, I still regret not trying harder to get C to use a chaser, and not drink so fast, because he was drinking his share in quite a short amount of time. When we got drunk though, me and B called him 'Captain' for his feat, and me and B were the 'co-firstmates'. Also, C had insisted on us burning him with our cigarettes, which he frequently took from us and burned himself with. This also paid its price, because his parents were quite questioning as to where the burn marks on his arm came from, and they are very, very against smoking, so we dared not tell them the truth. We told them it was probably from him falling down and he hit something that gave him a welt... yeah it's stupid, but when you got 1/3 of 1/5 of cpt. in you it sounds like a damn good idea.

Well that was the only bad night of drinking I have ever had, and I hope no more that I will certainly have will be that unpleasant.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39645
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2019Views: 982
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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