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Stuck in a World With Choices of Illusion
Salvia divinorum (13X Extract)
by Aych
Citation:   Aych. "Stuck in a World With Choices of Illusion: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (13X Extract) (exp39663)". Oct 13, 2020.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I took a big hit,and held it as long as possible. I exhaled and I disappeared, at least my earthly existance and all recollection of it. Suddenly I was a creature with arms and legs that were rectangular. I was on a level that was unseen,but the sky was white. My left arm was resting on a rectangular platform that was attractive to me in color. My arm was the same height as the platform and like I said before perfectly rectangular. I climbed onto this platform to see my arm was now on a different attractive platform fitting perfectly and reaching all the way to the wall, so i climbed onto that platform and finding my arm resting on another attractive platform. The platforms seemed inherently attractive and almost irresistible not to climb (I had just wanted to climb because the platforms seemed to have made me think that climbing was the right choice) and the same thing happened over and over for a while and I was content. I started to climb faster to see if there was ever anything more, ignoring the attractiveness of the levels. After a while, I started to realize the starkness to this reality, and I looked down and I could see other people doing the same thing(climbing without interaction). I started to panic,but it turns out all I could really do was climb to the next level. In my panic all I could do was just climb faster and faster, and (I mean seriously at first I didnt know any better and really was content with this existence) then I shouted 'Oh my God!' with the realization that there was nothing more to life than climbing. My earthly eyes then opened enogh to see the front door and I told myself that if there were more platforms outside I was fucked, but then it was just a normal day out there, and relief flooded in.

Hehe,salvia has come to be similar to an amusement park ride to me, but instead of rollercoasters and stuff,it is like 'Hey its time to lose your mind!!!' Oh yeah, it was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more intense than I can ever word.

One more thing: The experience lasts only moments but seems to last forever (or at least longer than I want it to) and it is so profound I cannot quit thinking of it for a long time.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39663
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2020Views: 464
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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