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Wide Awake Dreaming
Amitriptyline & MDMA
Citation:   Lastmarine. "Wide Awake Dreaming: An Experience with Amitriptyline & MDMA (exp39752)". Erowid.org. Aug 12, 2005. erowid.org/exp/39752

  repeated   MDMA (powder / crystals)
  10 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline (pill / tablet)
Me my girlfriend and my mate Sam bought a load of MDMA from our mate and headed back to Sam's aunts house . She was away on holiday so we had the flat to ourselves. I was well out of it as can be imagined considering between the three of us we had 1 and a half grams of MDMA powder that was really good stuff. After few hours back out the house we were running out of MDMA and so me and sam raided the house for drugs. His aunt has HIV and so has untold pharmaceuticals lying around which she gets for free, so we don't feel bad stealing a few pills here and there. We found a bottle of Temazepam, 1 Diazepam (Valium) some codeine and some strong Anti-histamine. As well as a packet of Amitriptyline.

I had never heard of Amitriptyline, but I find anything with the heading 'Take One when needed' usually implies something good. So using the internet we discovered that these pills were used to treat depression and sleeping disorders. Now usually I steer clear of anti-despressants, but I made an exception for these because they were also supposed to be for sleep disorder and treating anti-anxiety.

Anyway I took 2 of the pills and 5 minutes later popped my last MDMA bomb. Within half an hour the effects kicked in. I remember starting to trip out wierdly. Everytime I looked at Sam his face - because of the the light on one side - started distorting and becoming completely white. It looked like face paint and his eyes and mouth became really red. He looked just like a clown. I found this amusing despite the fact I found it very distracting and couldn't properly concentrate when listening to him talk. Also objects around the room became distorted. Patterns on the walls and door started jumping out at me. For example, the door had frosted glass with a white line pattern down it. The pattern suddenly appeared next to sam's head. I tried to grab it but my fingers only closed round air.

I remember feeling like everything that was happening was completely abstract, like a television programme I wasn't interested in. Sam and my girlfriend would say things to me and though I figured I was answering perfectly normally, the next morning they both said everytime they said anything to me, I heard what I wanted to hear and answered strangely. For example they would ask me if I was alright and I answer 'did you see the train going outside' .

I remember little of what I actually did except what they told me in the morning. Apparently I was continually talking to people that weren't there and once I starting waving at the wall. When my girlfriend asked me who I was waving at, I said that I was waving at one of my friends in the corner. One thing I do remember doing, is going into the kitchen and starting to wash up. I suddenly came over all funny and felt and heard that I was in a busy restaurant kitchen washing dishes. Sam came in and found me and said 'Chris u don't have to wash up man, there's a dishwasher here' I suddenly snapped out of it and said 'No I must cos I've cooked dinner' Sam looked at me oddly but kindly and said 'Chris u haven't man your dreaming, seriously go and lie down'. I was sure I had cooked dinner but I realised there was no dinner in any of the pots on the cooker, so I gave up and went into the living room and fell asleep.

Next morning I was convinced everything that had happened had been a dream, until the others woke up and convinced me that everything that had happened was for real.

Man those pills are wierd. I reckon without the MDMA I would have fallen alseep immediately but the effect of the downers and uppers put me in a kind of limbo state between the two worlds. Definately fun but something that surely can't be good for my mental state.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 12, 2005Views: 26,636
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Pharms - Amitriptyline (165), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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