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Cross-Eyed As Hell
Hydrocodone, Promethazine & Codeine
Citation:   Syringe. "Cross-Eyed As Hell: An Experience with Hydrocodone, Promethazine & Codeine (exp39836)". Jun 12, 2006.

3 tablets oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  3 tablets oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
    oral Pharms - Promethazine (liquid)
    oral Codeine (liquid)
I went to P's house with 2 other friends and I went to use her restroom and the bathroom cabinet was open and there was a bottle of promethazine and I had drank that shit before because it fucked me up nicely. But it had been so long since I had done that. So I just open the bottle and not touching my lips to the container I just dumped good size gulp, and then took another nice size, which I think is about 6 of those nyquil cups maybe more because I was a little drunk.

Then I found this bottle hidden behind Pepto-Bismol, and it was hydrocodone bitartrate / Acetaminophen so I take 3 of them. I was up for about an hour and F woke me up after almost 2 hours. We went home which was almost an hour drive, I passed out again, then when I came home I tried to text message my friend and I was like cross eyed or something, I thought I was making complete sentences that he could read, It thought I was typing fine on my phone but it was really fucking hard; what I really typed was nonsensical.

I don't know what my friend Q said, or if I even sent it. But as I was trying to concentrate typing that I would slowly pass out enough to where I was dreaming, a hole scenario, or I don't know if I was sleeping because I was talking, and my bro came in and he's like dude who the fuck are you talking to, are you talking in your sleep? And I did this like 8 times, each in a different scenario. This is when I decided I need to sleep, like whoa, and I just plopped on my bed.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 39836
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2006Views: 18,229
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Hydrocodone (111) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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