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Messed Up Dr. Suess World
Citation:   tripmaster. "Messed Up Dr. Suess World: An Experience with 2C-I (exp39889)". Jul 4, 2018.

22 mg   2C-I (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Me and my two friends were returning from a concert on the day before July 4th and were adamant on continuing our fun with a night of tripping. My friends who I will distinguish as A and J had been trying to get me to do some 2C-I for some time now. So being in the great mood I was in I decided to try it, now prior to that I only had tried LSD and Shrooms so I was pumped to try somthing new.

So we all went to my friend J's house and injested 22 mg each of 2C-I and started to smoke copious amounts of cannabis to try to speed up the tripping process.

About t+1 hour I was starting to feel a little quezzy, not to bad but enough for it to be a discomfort to me, so I suggested that we go for walk to quell my stomach ache. As soon as I stepped outside I noticed one thing particular to 2C-I that I have never noticed with any other hallcinogen and that was that all the trees were all waving in such a way as to assume they was a lot of wind that night making them do that. Although there was no wind at all it was a perfect night for 2C-I discribed my friend J.'There is a Full moon out and no Wind' he said 'the Trees are going to some very interesting things tonight'.Looking back on it now I can say that the coolest visuals I got off 2C-I are the trees, branches intwined,limbs ravel around each other in such a way that it gives them a whole new life. I still to this day never look at trees the same way.

Enough with that it was then about t+2 hours and we were still walking I was starting to peek on my trip and noticed that this drug was mostly all visuals, there was no implication in my mind of fear or uneasiness.
I was starting to peek on my trip and noticed that this drug was mostly all visuals, there was no implication in my mind of fear or uneasiness.
This drug was not a mind fuck just purly all visuals not at all like acid which I've had some hard times trying not to be scared or uneasy with. So A and J were enjoying there trip as well,my friend A likes to try to fuck with people's heads a little bit while he's tripping but it wasn't working on us. We were purly enjoying strolling through town and through the canal park, being In the woods while we were tripping was fun. I felt I belonged in the woods and was enjoying whatever primal notion that that was were I belonged, among the trees and the water.The best way I could describe How things looked was that it all resembled some messed up Dr. Suess world like from the lorax or somthing like that.

At t+ 3 hours we decide to return to my car at my friends J's house to listen to some music. I pushed in the Dark Side of the Moon cd and started to relax in my chair when I noticed that everything around my was swaying to the music in perfect harmony. Now music on 2C-I wasn't as fun as on other hallcinogens but it was cool that everying flowed to it outside the car. After enjoying our little visit with our friends on the funny farm, we decided to walk again we did this basically all night and visuals were strong through the night.

It was at about t+ 6 hours that the sun began to rise now this is when the visuals were very strong indeed just purly because we were still tripping good and that was a very bright July 4th morning.The visuals were awesome I noticed everything in town being sucked atom by atom in to some unknown black hole of color.This was cool for a while we saw all types of intresting patterns all the way back to J's house.

At t+8 hours We decided to go back in. Shortly after that our visuals dropped dramtically and stopped seeing things.

At about t+10 hours we were finished and being July 4th we just decided to stay up for the rest of the day, all day I felt drained similar to MDMA but slighlty more intense.I was early to bed that night and felt perfectly fine the next day.

I have tripped several times on 2C-I after that experience and till this day have had no bad trips, all my experiences have been very enjoyable to date.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39889
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 4, 2018Views: 878
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