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Better Alone
by JD
Citation:   JD. "Better Alone: An Experience with Crack (exp39957)". Apr 16, 2018.

  repeated smoked Crack
A couple of my friends in high school suddenly began talking about coke, and fun times doing it. I was kind of surprised at first, like 'What? You serious' I tried it once, but it didn't do much for me, possible because my nose was stuffy and I only did one line. After that, towards the end of the school year a couple of my friends brought up the fact they smoked crack. It was never called that of course, it's a dirty harsh word. They told me I was missing out and what not, but everytime they brought it up I told them they were crazy and I would never fuck with that. Needless to say, after awhile I really got curious and wanted to try it. I made some money and got some...long story short me and my friends have been smoking for awhile now. Thing is, when I smoke with them, my friend smokes it in a bad way (I think). We take constant hits for about 10-15 mins, then take a 5 min break and continue the cycle. Well, I smoked it by myself a few times even though I felt kind of like an addict. But everytime I smoke by myself, it lasts way longer and the come down is nowhere near as bad. I'd say this drug is better smoked alone...cocaine is a different story of course. Smoking what I buy at my own pace and tempo makes it a lot more worthwhile, even though I may not have someone to talk to.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 39957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2018Views: 1,566
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