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Addicted To Coffee - But Not Crack
by D.L
Citation:   D.L. "Addicted To Coffee - But Not Crack: An Experience with Crack (exp40005)". Nov 29, 2017.

  repeated smoked Crack (powder / crystals)
Let me tell you about my drug experience. I'm addicted to Nicotine and caffeine. Both I use everyday and have done so faithfully for at least 15 years now. About 5 years ago I tried crack-cocaine with my older brother at a house party. I smoked one rock and loved the rush. The next day I never thought about it at all really. There were no cravings for me no depression no nothing. Then about 2 years later I found myself at another house party with my brother smoking it again. This time I smoked $100 worth. The next day I felt really bad, best way I can describe it would be a chemical hang-over. I was pale and I looked weak. It took me a good 2 weeks to get over it. Then about a year later I was at another house party smoking rock again. This time I smoked $300 worth. Big time depression but no real cravings I can think of.

Then a few months ago I went down to party with my brother and found myself in back alleys smoking rock with him again. But this time it was different. There was no talking or friendship. It was all about the rock. This is when I realized just how powerful this drug can be. It makes strangers out of us all.
There was no talking or friendship. It was all about the rock. This is when I realized just how powerful this drug can be. It makes strangers out of us all.
Even your brother who you love can turn on you in an instant. And that night he did. He took all my $$$ that I gave him for more and bailed on me. The next week I found out he 'got lost' but we both know he took the $$$ and ran to get more. I guess what I'm saying is some people can handle this drug while other people just simply can't. I can personally use this drug a few times per year and only suffer the day after effects that usually last a few days to a week. Then I'm over it. My brother uses it and his eyes change with an attitude that I can only describe as animalistic.
My brother uses it and his eyes change with an attitude that I can only describe as animalistic.
I find it kind of strange but for me quitting smoking and drinking coffee is unthinkable for me. But not smoking crack everyday is really easy. I guess this just proves the power of drugs on the human body. One just never know how it will react with them.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40005
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2017Views: 2,198
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Crack (82) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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