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Be Very Careful
by Tony
Citation:   Tony. "Be Very Careful: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp40349)". Mar 14, 2016.

40 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
My boyfriend got an 80mg tab of Oxycontin from a friend. We decided to take it that night and just enjoy a quiet evening together. Neither of us had any alcohol in our systems and we had not eaten since lunch.
I have a tolerance to opiates and usually take Vicoden or occasionally Percocet. My boyfriend used to take painkillers but hasn't for about 7 years. He weighs 187lbs.

Because we knew that Oxycontin was very strong and that 80mg was a huge dose, we started small. We each took about 1/8 of the pill and waited. During this time we ate a large meal. An hour later I was starting to feel the pleasant effects of the drug but it was very mild. My boyfriend didn't feel anything so we decided that it was safe to split the rest of the pill.

An hour later and I was overcome with heavy euphoria, that is, I felt weighed down and unable to keep my eyelids from closing but it was a nice feeling. This feeling quickly shifted to an edginess that was exacerbated by intense itchiness. I felt speedy, and I puttered around the house trying to accomplish chores. In the meantime, my boyfriend was having similar feelings and decided to smoke some marijuana.
From this point on my memories are hazy. I know that my boyfriend had to lay down and go to sleep; he said he couldn't stay conscious anymore, it was too overwhelming. I felt the same way but I forced myself to stay awake and monitor his breathing. I was very worried that he was overdosing because he was trembling and his skin was cold and sweaty. About 4 hours passed with my boyfriend asleep and me checking his breathing. The time seemed to fly by although I don't really remember doing much.
Eventually my boyfriend woke up and felt a little better, but when he got up and moved around he became very nauseated.

The two of us decided to try and go to bed and sleep it off. We just couldn't believe that we would still feel high for much longer; at this point it had been about 6 hours since we took the pill.

The next 6 hours consisted of nodding off for about an hour at a time and then coming to. There was no consistent sleep. 12 hours after we took the Oxycontin it seemed to have run its course and we both felt sober and scared.

It is very important to understand how powerful Oxycontin is. I feel that we were very lucky that night. I was naive and silly to think that I could handle such a huge dose. More importantly, I just couldn't wrap my brain around the idea that a tiny little crumb of a tiny little pill was a normal sized dose. It is imperative to understand that an 80mg pill is the same as eight 10 mg pills. Duh, right? I would probably compare the amount of Oxycontin I took with 10-15 Vicodens. I can see how easy it is to overdose on this drug.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40349
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2016Views: 14,119
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Oxycodone (176) : Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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