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Never The Same
Citation:   Begbie79. "Never The Same: An Experience with DXM (exp40564)". Jan 4, 2008.

  oral DXM (daily)
My use of DXM started in 1999. The first time I tryed it I was amazed by its power. After the first time I took it I slowly took more and more. From a 40z bottle to a 8oz bottle then two 8oz bottles. Before the beginning of my senior year in high school I was taking the tussin everyday. Most of the time drinking two 8oz bottles or more a day. I don't know if my addiction was noticed by anyone. I was always high. I soon tryed to stop but really couldn't. I would honestly end up in the store parking lot in a haze not even knowing how I got there but going in anyway for that next bottle. I finally was so out of control and in a haze that I got into a car accident with a parked car if you can believe that.

I was eventually caught by my parents who found amazing enough 173 empty bottles in my room. I made no effort to hide them and sad to say that was not the first batch of emptys, I had been averaging those numbers for years. In the past year or so realizing the problem I gradually quit. Since then I have headaches everyday and have ongoing liver and kidney problems. I still take other drugs to this day though and believe in the use of drugs to further myself.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40564
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2008Views: 11,167
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DXM (22) : Health Problems (27), Post Trip Problems (8), Multi-Day Experience (13), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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