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I Need to Find My Life
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Ergot. "I Need to Find My Life: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp40612)". Jul 7, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
  T+ 0:49 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Well, I just turned 18 two days ago, and I have wanted to try salvia for a long time. So, naturally, I went out to buy some at the local head shop. Cost me roughly $30 for a gram, I think I could find better deals online, but I doubt my parents would like having drugs shipped to our house in the mail, even if legal.

Setting: My room, just after my rents went to bed. I know from much experience that I can smoke in my room without the fear of getting caught, so I had no worries about any of that. The only light on was my lava lamp setting a very methodic mood to the room. I was laying on the floor.

Set: Mentally I was fine, seeing as how it was valentines day and I had just spent the whole day with my significant other, I was in a good mood, and felt that I was in a proper mindset for a positive trip experience.

The Trip:

10:04pm - I inhaled a large hit of the salvia extract. I immediately place the pipe down remembering that it can become a fire hazard. I hold the smoke in for roughly 15 seconds with no effects, I feel as if I have been ripped off and maybe didn’t receive what I paid for. Then WHAM!

The room began to distance itself from me, I could see black lines pushing the room further from me at every heartbeat. Black vines started to grow up around my vision. They spoke to me in bursts, loud thumps of demands. They were telling me something but the vines couldn’t remember the word. Pressure was mounting at every heartbeat, an almost painful feeling on either side of my head was growing harder and harder. Breath the vines said. I was still holding the smoke in! Oh, they wanted me to breath, they wanted to take me on a trip! I exhaled and immediately all negative feelings disappeared.

The Jimi Hendrix poster on my ceiling was the left eye, and the air vent next to it became the right eye. The door was the mouth. My face had merged with the walls in my room, I had become part of the room. Suddenly blackness, nothing was around me. All I can remember from this phase is moving my arms up and down and saying 'What?' 'Oh!' 'What?' 'Oh!' I slowly piecing together my surroundings. What was that? Oh, its just the pipe, I must be in my room again.

10:08pm The effects then faded and I was inside my room again. I was frantic, I had never experienced something like that before. I’ve taken two hits of acid, and eaten 5 grams of mushrooms and never lost touch with reality like that before. I forgot that I had even taken a drug. My balance was still off, movement seemed innebriated, like I was flailing my arms around drunkenly, but yet I was more mentally precise.

10:10 Frantic, I call my girlfriend, I talk to her. Its really hot in my room. I didn’t talk long because I was too hot to talk, I decide to take a shower to cool off. A side effect of the salvia I’m sure, but it was still uncomfortable. I notice slight effects of the drug throughout the shower.

10:18 I am out of the shower and sober save for the relaxing effects of the salvia. I call my girlfriend again. We talk for about 30 minutes before she goes to bed.

10:45 I have had time to reflect on my trip. I decide I would like to have another go. This time I wouldn’t use quite so much.

10:53 I turn on my blacklight and TV this time, although the TV is muted. The blacklight poster on my wall was glowing, again providing an excellent tripping atmosphere. I take another hit of salvia extract, this time I down the hit to a regular sized hit. I hold the smoke in again. The room begins to distance itself again. Suddenly I am lost. I am in darkness again, but rays of vibrant colors stretch across my surroundings and vanish just as quickly as they appear.

I am dead. I have lost my life. There are thousands here with me, all searching for the lives they lost. They are also searching for my life! I had to get back to my life before one of them found it. I began to search for my life. I found my room and started to cling to the side of my bed. However my room kept flipping, like the pages of an animation. They kept flapping away from under me. Each flap was a memory in itself.

Flap. I was back in elementary school on the playground.

Flap. I was on a NASCAR race track somewhere.

Flap. I was lost in an orange abyss.

Flap. Back in my room.

Flap. I was back in the multicolored darkness I was first in.

Flap. I was inside my lava lamp.

Flap. I was back in my room.

I had to grab onto this life and get back into it. I had to claw myself back into my room before I was lost in one of my previous lives. Slowly My room stops flipping pages and I am back in my bed. Reality has minor distortions for a few minutes, lamps grow and shrink. My sheets rotate without me moving them.

10:58 Reality is normal again and I have control of my thoughts, although still strongly feeling the after effects of the salvia.

Summary: I was unprepared for how strong this drug really is. Both times that I used this drug it was impossible to focus on my surroundings. I thought that I would hallucinate and see visuals within my room, I never expected to be taken away from my room. This is the most intense drug I have come across yet, I can see why it is called the 'Divine Sage.' All in all I would say I had a positive experience and will definatly smoke the rest of the gram over time.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40612
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2007Views: 4,713
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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