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A Last Hurrah
Citation:   Coyote. "A Last Hurrah: An Experience with LSD (exp40653)". Feb 8, 2007.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated oral LSD (blotter / tab)
To begin, I would like to express the circumstances surrounding my initial interest in LSD. Throughout my high school years I had experimented with just about everything, except for the rare and elusive LSD. See where I come from, the stuff is near impossibly to get your hands on so I spent a great deal of time trying to make the proper contacts in attempts to get ahold of it. I had a few friends that shared my enthusiasm, and who were also trying to acquire it. I never had the chance to try it, I graduated from High School and went off to the Navy. I spent a total of six monthes training before I was allowed leave, to go home and see my family before going overseas for duty for a year.

I arrived home, and did the usual things that a sailor who hasn't been home in 6 monthes would do. I partied. I neglected to spend time with my two best friends, which I have come to regret, because this experiance drew us alot closer, at least I feel as though it has somehow brought us to the same level.

This is how it began. I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed after sleeping all day, after a long night of partying with friends the night before. See this day was my last full day home, before being shipped out overseas for a long year of navy life. My two best friends called me, its sort of sad but I hadn't spent any time with them my entire time on leave, I sort of took them for granted. But they made contact with me and sure enough when I answered the phone they said 'look outside' I did, and there they were, giving me the finger yelling to get dressed. I hurried and got dressed and we piled in the car and headed to their apartment about a 20 minute drive away. The whole time in the car, I was wondering what they had planned, because they knew this was my last day, before leaving again, and I knew it was something special.

We arrived at the apartment, and the setting was somewhat different from what I last remember of it. Everything was a little more organized, less trashy, and more of a mellow relaxed atmosphere. We kinda screwed around for a bit, joking, talking, relaxing, when they both turned to me. They said, 'Now, we know you've been trying to get ahold of this for a long time,' and before they could finish I screamed ACID!!! at the top of my lungs, completely excited that these two knuckleheads had suceeded where I had not. They actually got the acid. We settled down for a bit, and each started off with two hits a piece. We decided that before it kicked in we were going to go visit some friends at my old work.

Work was strange, because when I got there, I definately noticed a change. I was smiling uncontrolably, and trying to hide the fact that I had a great body high, and wanted nothing more than to laugh out loud and just smile in everyones face like a ridiculess clown. But I resisted being that I was just back from the navy and I had that whole thousand yard stare going, only with a huge smile. I noticed the feelings became different, when my old co-workers began talking about the dangers of where I was heading, and they warned me all the horrible things that could happen. Thats when I noticed the real change. I could feel what they were saying, I mean it freaked me a little bit, made me nervous like I was being backed into a corner, so I quickly gave everyone the 'Yeah yeah gotta go' speach, and made my way to the car, where we headed back to the peaceful apartment.

Upon arriving, my two friends left me once again and headed downstairs. I remained upstairs, just sort of smoking enjoying the feeling, and relaxing in a very comfortable beanbag chair. I was looking at a Jenna Jameson poster on the wall, and it looked like a slight breeze was blowing on it. Then I noticed the windows were closed. That is when I said to myself, 'I've been waiting far too long for this.' I smiled and relaxed and enjoyed the body high. When my friends returned they were toting 3 bags each containing a 10 strip of acid blotters. It was amazing, I knew we were in for a hell of a day.

We each took another hit or two, and hung out and we sort of migrated from room to room, looking at everything, playing with the shades, the lights, all of which produced splendid visuals. By now I was seeing tails on everything that moved, mostly my hands, if I waved them in front of my face I couldn't see anything. I had alot of fun with that, fooling around and raving with glowsticks on acid is alot of fun. It got my blood pumping and made me feel really good. At one point, we were in my other friends room, and he had a light, that sort of looked like one of those tongue rings with the multi-colored spikes, but it looked different, it looked like some sort of molecular matter floating through time and space, it was magnificent. If any of you have seen the video game Metroid, that is what it looked like, except it had spikes. It seemed to be just floating there moving all over the place, like a sea-sponge or something. It was really cool.

By this time I had taken at least 2-3 more hits. I sat around smoking cigaretts, and admiring the smoke that twirled around the room, I blew O's that floated around and also peaked my imagination, all of the smoke looked like tribal art just floating in the sky. Everything I looked at was pure beautiful art. I wanted nothing more than just to stay there forever admiring all the beauty in the world.

I started to think deep thoughts, weird thoughts. Thoughts about the world, religion, and philosophy. It was interesting how clear I was thinking, and how everything just made sense. I felt peaceful, I felt like I belonged. I started to remember this book I read by Tom Wolfe called the Electric Koolaid Acid Test. I remember how one of the Merry pranksters thought he could control his trip with his mind. So I thought hey, maybe I could too. I took my last hit of acid, and sat in the corner in a dark room, looking at the metroid floating in the sky. I held my hand up and clentched my fist. I saw colors on the ceiling, it looked like a city on the ceiling, a whole entire civilization of lights was growing on the ceiling! I thought real hard and I was controlling the colors that I saw on the ceiling, before long I noticed that my hand was clentched into a fist, and the red colors that I thought were lights from the imaginary civilization were actually blood squirting from my hand. I knew it was just me, so I let it pass, and I migrated to the next room, were everyone was gathered smoking weed. I couldn't be there because of navy drug tests, so I went into the room with the Jenna Jameson posters, and sat down.

I began to think about the fact that the following afternoon I would be on a plain heading overseas for an entire year. I became very sad, and started to cry, I was scared. I called for my friend and he came in, and I just couldn't stop crying. I remember saying 'Leave it to us, to get me high on acid the day before I go overseas for a year.' I didn't want to leave. Me and my friend talked about depression, and people, friends, and all sorts of things. I felt better. He went to go finish smoking pot, and I laid down and looked at the wall.

The closer I looked at the wall the stranger it seemed. There was a giant bulge in the wall, like a cluster. The closer I paid attention to it, the more different it became, but somehow it turned into a skull and crossbones, bulging out of the wall. I got up out of the bed and sat down on a chair, and turned on some sublime, hoping that it would ease my tention. It did and I sat there just staring at the floor, eventually I noticed my forearm, it looked really weird. I looked at my skin and it began to bubble, and I could see hairs growing and falling out. The other strange thing I noticed was the words, some foreign language was written in my veins, flowing through my body. I tried to read them but it was no language I had ever seen before.

After that we all converged in one room and decided to watch a movie to get our minds off the trip and just sort of relax and come down. We all sat and relaxed, and I felt alot more at ease. The room was warm, and I felt very close to everyone in the room. That was my pack, my group, my true friends. The non-family members that I loved and would do anything for. I felt like I belonged. That night I got no sleep at all, my stomach was in a not the entire next day. It was the hardest thing leaving those friends after that experiance. I've though about it every day since than, and cannot get it out of my head. I feel like I'm completely alone, and that me and my friends were drawn very close together through that experiance. In some ways I feel we are all on the exact same frequency now.

All together, it was an experiance that I will never forget, I enjoyed it thoroughly, and wouldn't change it for the world. I look forward to my next experiance with LSD, and or any other phsycoactives. I feel it has opened me up to many ideas, and it has helped me to become a more open person.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40653
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2007Views: 6,294
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LSD (2) : Relationships (44), Personal Preparation (45), First Times (2), Military (48)

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