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Crashing Was the Worst
Citation:   Sarah. "Crashing Was the Worst: An Experience with MDMA (exp40836)". Jul 10, 2021.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I , among other friends took one green spade tablet at about midnight. During the next half hour or so my friends and I waited impatiently for the drug to kick in. Suddenly I found myself smiling for no apparent reason. I stood up to see how I would feel. A feeling of complete euphoria came over me and as everyone says , I felt perfect. I felt the need to be touched or caress and I found myself receiving hand and back massages. I also unknowingly began holding various items, just to hold them. For instance , my purse became a source of such comfort as I clenched on to it , grindind my teeth to nothing. Then I turned to holding a cold jug of water on my lap. The cool water felt completely lovely to my hands and thighs.

I enjoyed the experience and talked non-stop about things that wouldn't normally stimulate me into conversation. I would talk about anything and everything and felt the need for the people around me to understand that I cared for them. However, I honestly didn't feel the need to engage in sex with anyone . I then went off to a house party and enjoyed myself for an hour or two laughing until I almost pissed myself with other drunken partiers.

Then about forty five minutes later ..crash. I no longer feel the happy , perfect, lovely feeling. I feel disappointed and annoyed. Annoyed at everyones comments around me ,which if I had still been rolling I would have laughed hysterically at. Instead there talk was met with my cold expression. I just wanted to leave and get away from everyone. I began feeling like I wasen't interested in being the least bit social at all and there what I felt was immatureness,was driving me insane. I only felt the want to go home and go to sleep. When I finally arrived home I nearly collapsed on my bed tired as all hell. But as everyone knows if one's rolling , one won't sleep. As hard as I tried I layed motionless in my bed all night. The hours went by so slowly as I wanted to sleep so bad I could have cried. My body seriously refused to shut down and let me sleep. So I layed hour after hour until noon time arrived unable to sleep. I finally decided after endless hours , that there was no point in trying to sleep now. So I got up and dealt with the head-ache of the century. I then layed in my bed all day , hood over my head waiting until I would be able to sleep.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40836
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2021Views: 709
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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