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Definitely Felt Something
Salvia apiana (White Sage)
Citation:   Jester. "Definitely Felt Something: An Experience with Salvia apiana (White Sage) (exp40853)". Feb 7, 2007.

2 bowls smoked Salvia apiana (dried)
High, well unfortunately not at the moment.

I am in the military so I am looking for legal ways to get stoned and I'm testing such things as Salvia divinorium and Morning Glory and I came across a wierd experience.
This is really weird, or maybe I'm just highly affected by drugs easily. But I smoked like two or three bowls of White Sage from a smudge stick I got from a medicine woman (She told me that if I mixed equal amounts of weed/sage/knick knick that I would pass a piss test, I have since stopped rolling the dice) and I had this really strange feeling of extreme relaxation, I couldn't define it as being stoned but it definitely felt like being high. I am or was a serious stoner, so I know the feeling really well.

I felt really good for 1-3 hours followed by a mild stomach ache and some diarrhea and a very slight headache, these other symptoms don't last long, the medicine woman says it's pretty healthy.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 40853
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 7, 2007Views: 24,966
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Salvia apiana (398) : Military (48), First Times (2)

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