The Best Time I Ever Had
Citation: Carrie. "The Best Time I Ever Had: An Experience with MDMA (exp40871)". Jul 14, 2017.
115 mg | oral | MDMA |
115 mg | oral | MDMA |
BODY WEIGHT: | 115 lb |
The latter was by far the most pleasant experience any of us had ever had. My experience with the substance is pretty much what I see mentioned elsewhere. However there was one difference. All of us experienced painful backaches the next day in addition to the 'wiped-out' feeling normally experienced. The backaches were centered in the lower portion of our backs, and lasted for approx 18 hours. After about a year of this, we concluded that MDMA was simply too dangerous and we gave it up.
I'm 38 with four young children, and I still sort of miss that drug. I haven't taken any drugs in 15 years.
[Reported Dose: '1/8-1/10g 2x/episode']
Exp Year: 1979 | ExpID: 40871 |
Gender: Female | |
Age at time of experience: Not Given | |
Published: Jul 14, 2017 | Views: 1,204 |
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17) |
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