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Can't Exactly Remember...Anything
Citation:   Dirty D. "Can't Exactly Remember...Anything: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp41018)". Jan 12, 2018.

5 tablets oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
So I was chatting with my buddy, C, before school about one of his favorite drugs called 'klonopin.' I had never even heard about it. He made it sound like a lot of fun telling me I would feel 'drunk.' He gave me 5 pills and told me that 2 would get me 'real fucked up.' I said to myself 'hey, I've been drunk on many occasions, I'll just take all 5!' This proved to be a bad idea.

So its 1st hour and I take five of these little yellow pills. I didn't think anything of it until I got up and started walking out of the room. WOW... I stood up and my mind went in a stupor as I stumbled out of the class. I made my way to my study hall hour and I remember mentioning to my friend B, that I was hella fucked up. Then I passed out on the table.

I don't have a whole lot of memory after that...but I can share what my friends were telling me the next day:

1. I acted very strange in almost all of my classes
2. I looked extremely drowzy
3. I wandered around during lunch rubbing peoples heads (even if I had no idea who they were)
4. I passed out in my 6th Hour class (folk guitar) and when my friend D, came in after the hour was over like he usually did, my substitute teacher talked to him a bit about my state of being. He woke me up, and helped me up, and I fell back down to the floor and I hit my chin on a chair very hard and couldn't feel it and acted like nothing happened.

So... I started gaining memory after school was over, and I remember going home and thinking my garage door didn't work. I 'rang the doorbell' but nobody was home. So, I went to my neighbors house and asked them for a key. They gave me the key, but as I backed out of their driveway, I ran over their trashbags and drove off as if nothing happened.

I find out later that this drug can be used as a date rape drug, which explains the whole not having a memory thing.

I haven't taken it since...and if I do decide to try it again, it will definitely be in a much smaller dose.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 41018
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2018Views: 2,728
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : School (35), General (1)

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