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Mellow With a Few Intense Peaks
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   greco. "Mellow With a Few Intense Peaks: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp41028)". Erowid.org. Jun 16, 2018. erowid.org/exp/41028

12 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
  6.5 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (tea)
I had read a lot on the internet about mescaline containing cacti but was somewhat skeptical due to alot of conflicting experiences that I had read ranging from no effect to nausea starting full blown trips.

I chewed 12 grams and forced it down chasing it with fruit punch. I can't lie the taste was very nasty, but not intolerable. It took me about an hour to get the 12 grams down. And I decided to boil the rest because I did not think I could eat the rest of the 25 grams in that manner. I boiled the other 13 grams in a small pot on a slow boil. I was starting to trip as I watched the cactus boil in the pot. I let It boil for about 50 min. And drank about one half of this bitter tea.

I thought this was an excellent dose of mescaline and had a fantastic tripping experience. I would describe it as a mellow acid trip with a few intense peaks, but not uncontrollable. No nausea (although I could see the taste making some people nauseous) no bad effects at all. I did have to make a short trip to take someone home which was a little more than I really needed. It was dark and the oncoming car lights were intense with color and brightness. DO NOT DRIVE on this. But I am very pleased with my experience with the Peruvian Torch. Next time I will grind it up and put it into gelatin caps.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41028
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2018Views: 911
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