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Citation:   QwErTy. "Smokin: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp41032)". Apr 17, 2007.

80 mg smoked Pharms - Methylphenidate
I was diagnosed with ADD by my family doctor and was prescribed Ritalin to help me concentrate better in my school work. At first I wasn't into taking the pills every morning so I would just give them away to fiends that actually wanted them.

I met up with an old friend that I knew from public school at a new years party. A conversation lit up when he told me that you can get a high smoking Ritalin. 'smoking Ritalin?' I thought to my self. I handing over my prescription and asked how.

Mind set: tired, depressed

In each table spoon we cooked 4 pills with water until they dissolved. While my batch was cooling off I stirred the water with a safety pin collecting the inept ingredients and poured the left over water on a plate. I threw the plate in the microwave and zapped it for 5 minutes to evaporate the water. While he was scraping the plates with a credit card I grabbed a pop can, poked a couple holes on the side, and used cigarette ashes for the screen.

My dear friend convinced me into taking the first toke. A grin on my face and a quick swipe of my hand I threw the 80mg chunk on the ashes and took a slow puff. seconds after exhaling I felt my throat dry up leaving a bitter medicine taste. Around a minute later my arms, knees, and hands froze up due to low blood circulation. I sat there staring at the walls and grinding my teeth thinking I was going to die.

The high kicked in. It felt like just I smoked a crack rock. Everything around me was going by in slow-motion. I was experiencing visual hallucinations (distant objects fading in and out). My thoughts and ideas were racing 1000 miles per hour through my mind. I also noticed a huge increase in my heart rate hitting well over 130 BPM.

The comedown was depressing. I was back at my apartment ripping my room apart in search for more Ritalin. When I tried to eat something the food would just get stuck in my throat. I ended up spending the rest of the night playing guitar and smoking cigarettes.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41032
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2007Views: 92,166
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), General (1)

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