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Never Had I Felt So Awake
Citation:   *Venus*. "Never Had I Felt So Awake: An Experience with Cocaine (exp41070)". Feb 27, 2007.

8 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
The first time I tried cocaine was at the age of 17 in 2003. Since then I have used cocaine a handful of times. This report regards my first experience that I wrote up two years ago after the experience. The names of the people mentioned have been changed:

I was feeling a little under the weather on this Saturday night but my friends convinced me to go to this party that was in the neighboring town. I tried to convince them to leave me at Cat's house because I had nothing to wear but oversized sweats (I was prepared for a movie night) but eventually I succumbed to the whining and went, despite feeling shitty and tired.

We arrive at Joe's house, with two of my close girl friends Cat and Jill, and with a guy friend, Steve. There are maybe 4 or 5 other guys already hanging out there. Immediately I feel the good vibes, although the female intuition clicked on due to the fact that I was in a house with a bunch of older guys that I didn't know. Once I started to talk to them, I felt comfortable, though still a bit embarrassed about my appearance.

I was walking out for a smoke when I noticed somebody cutting up lines on a black table. He noticed my glance and asked it I was in on it. I said I had no money, and that I had never snorted anything before. He said 'money wasnt a problem and not to feel pressured, but if I feel like having some during the night, his offer stood.'

I smoked that cigarette and thought about it for a bit with Cat. At this point I had never tried anything except for pot, alcohol, painkillers, and some Morning Glory seeds. Im pretty small, 5'1, 105 I was a little nervous that I wouldnt be able to handle it (or my actions on it.) Coke was a drug that I have read up on, though didnt expect to try for awhile. I figured, its free, I feel comfortable, I'm going to do this. When we got inside, everyone was taking a line, and I had him cut me a small line.

(2:45 AM)

I barely felt it in my nose, but I immediately fell in love with the taste, until it started to drip that is. I could barely take the sour drip without gagging. (Water helped) Everyone said they were feeling good, but I wasn't feeling anything at all. I asked for another line, this time a normal sized one. I snorted this one harder and waited for it to kick it.

I had a difficult time connecting with what I was feeling. I knew I felt different, but I didn't know what like. I turned to the guy next to me, and calmly started tugging on his sleeve and whispered 'Is it normal to not be able to feel your teeth?' He laughed and said it was normal. I then turned to someone else I didn't know and asked if he would like to join me for a smoke. Probably nothing I would have done normally to someone I didn't know. He laughed and said sure. Everyone ended up coming outside and we all chain smoked and talked for awhile, taking random breaks every half hour or so to snort another line.

By this time I was wondering how much I was going to owe this guy. I asked him, and he said not to worry about it. I couldn't believe it, he was getting 5 people high on coke, and not charging anybody. I went back in periodically to do a line, and then came back out to smoke and talk to anybody about everything and everything. I felt like I knew these people so well! My insecurities about my sweats melted away and I felt like no one was judging me at all.

After about the 6th line, I felt as it I had pretty much leveled off and that I wasn't going to get any higher even if I did more. My nose was starting to feel like shit, and I was already energetic enough. I did my 7th line and snuck out by myself for a little peek at the stars. As totally lame as this sounds, I remember standing in the driveway and looking up into the stars and thinking 'They aren't so far away, nothing really is if you try hard enough' My brain which was flying made a connection with that to my goals and determination to do things. I had this confidence boost that I could do anything I wanted.

My legs were a pain in the ass the entire night. I would flex the muscle inside my lower thigh on one leg, and then immediately after do the same with my other, and then repeat. I couldn't get them to stop no matter what I did! My brain (and mouth) was racing a mile a minute.

The sun came up, and that's when I realized just how wired I was. I had never felt so awake in my entire life. Before we left, the guy asked if we wanted a line for the road. We all dove into it (which made my 8th line that night) and left reluctantly. I didnt want to leave everyone that I had met, and the coke, which I would realize later.

(7 AM)

We went out to eat, and my appetite was demolished. Surprising for someone like me, who eats 24/7. I was ready for another night. I left my group of friends and stopped by another friends house, just to 'say good morning' As the day went on, I started coming down. My body was getting tired, but I still couldn't sleep, and I wanted another line really bad. I took a hot shower, and fell asleep at 12:30, almost on command. I woke up feeling in a pleasant mood.

Overall, the high was much more subtle mentally than I thought it would be, but pretty strong physically in that it wired me pretty good. I never once thought to myself during the night 'I LOVE this stuff!' , but it was pleasant. Definately something I would try again if offered (though not soon, I need more time in between, I don't want to develop an addiction, which I could see would easily happen) I doubt I'd ever pay for it though. Too much money for something that is overrated IMO. It was neat though, I'm glad I checked it out.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 41070
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2007Views: 15,337
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Cocaine (13) : Large Group (10+) (19), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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