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Everything was OK
Citation:   Fate Choward. "Everything was OK: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp412)". Jun 22, 2000.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I never even dreamed that a feeling like this was humanly possible. Every aspect of my life seemed to collide and piece togther too perfectly, I am still amazed 10 months following my first gamble with ecstasy. It was my 20th birthday and my best friend in the whole world was about to leave for medical school in India. She drove 12 hours to see me for my birthday. I gathered her, along with my 6 closest friends, and my boyfriend to a club in NYC. I was having problems with my boyfriend at the time, and I wasn't even sure if we'd be togther very long. I thought this was going to be the end of many relationships that night. I swallowed my pill, along with my best friend. We got on the subway, and all of us were on our way to the club. As we headed down to the city, I suddenly felt something in my mouth. It was the most disgustingly sour taste I ever felt. I wanted to puke! I told my friend, and she said don't worry. That didn't help much because a few minutes later, I started noticing that blood was dripping from the ceiling. I then noticed everyone on the subway staring at me, while blood was dripping from their mouths. It was so SCARY. I turned to my boyfriend and told him what I was seeing. He quickly tried to console me as I was still bugging out.

Eventually a few minutes later, a huge smile came across my face, and everything was all sunny, even in the depths of the subway. Everyone seemed happier with me. The blood disappeared and my boyfriend was the greatest guy in the world. We switched trains, and I told everyone about that horrible expiernce I had on the other train. I sat on my boyfriend's lap, and he was the most clever, interesting, and sweet guy in the world. I started to propose to him! I was so IN LOVE with him, I wanted to die. As a matter of fact, I was starting to hyperventilate because I couldn't even tell him how in love I was with him.

We eventually made it to the line at the club. I was the best-dressed girl there, and was with the most charming man. I felt like Cinderella. I got in the club and was dancing to the most hypnotic sounds. I must have danced for 3 hours. I then sat on a couch and fell asleep, feeling the effects of the ecstacy wear off. I felt like my dream was over. We walked home and I began to see that everything was okay. My best friend was going to still be my best friend, and my boyfriend is going to be there for me. I was able to put things in perspective and see life in such a different way.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 412
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 22, 2000Views: 4,957
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), First Times (2)

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