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Not Bad, But Nothing to Shout About
Citation:   sile na gig. "Not Bad, But Nothing to Shout About: An Experience with Kratom (exp41343)". Mar 18, 2005.

0.5 cups oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I tried kratom for the first time today. I'm an overnight shift worker and a frustrated stoner, because I can't risk the piss test. I've been looking around for legal substances that do the same thing and might help me to sleep at the same time.

I ordered some kratom over the internet, after having looked over others' experiences. I tried tea earlier today, about 1/4 cup which I'd run through the coffee grinder until it was a fine powder. I added it to my sleepytime tea as a loose powder. The taste was FOUL. It's so bitter that it made me gag up a mouthful, and it was all I could do to keep it down. I did, however, feel a bit sleepy after something like half an hour after I took the dose. I stayed up an additional half hour to see if I was going to have any adverse effects, and then I went to sleep. I slept like a baby.

Tonight I decided I'd try it again, this time in apple sauce instead of tea. Apple sauce helps, because I can mix it in and then swallow without chewing. It worked. The taste wasn't so bad, and I didn't have to keep it in my mouth long at any rate. I used more, about 1/2 cup, again run through the coffee grinder. Again, I began to come on in half an hour. This time, though, I had nausea. It wasn't so bad for an hour, but I felt a little giddy, and my balance wasn't what it should have been. Then the nausea got worse. I had to run to the bathroom and throw the whole thing up. As the man said, though, it wasn't as unpleasant as stomach flu or a night of tying one on.

I'm still comfortable, and not feeling very sick, although I'd say that I'm getting mild waves of it now and then. It's been about two hours now.

I don't expect it to get much more than this, although there's a possibility that I could have to clear the rest out of my stomach at some stage.

Frankly, it's more trouble than just rolling a spliff and getting stoned. I'd rather find something as user-friendly as pot without the risk of it being detected in a urine test.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41343
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 18, 2005Views: 11,754
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Alone (16)

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