Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
A Terrible Tour De Head
Citation:   hash cookie. "A Terrible Tour De Head: An Experience with Cannabis (exp41437)". Mar 30, 2018.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
My main principle was to try hash cookies out, my girlfriend got a couple from the head chef at work. A reliable source, I tried half a cookie one night and felt nothing.. so I thought, while I was home alone at her house for the day, try a full one.
Note: This cookie had been in my drawer for 2 weeks.. so maybe some kind of fermentation could have played a part in this.

I ate it, sat online and chatted to some friends. 40 minutes later I was washed over with this intense awesome high. It was a standard, relaxing, super grinning experience. Everything was going to plan. My sense of gravity was heightened, so was my sense of touch. Pretty soon the relaxation begun to wave, eventually the waving became really intense.. and turned into an alternating Sober/dream.

This is when it got uncomfortable. I would sober up every 5 seconds not remembering what had just happened. It was like sleeping and waking continuously.. memory loss was a big factor. It would take me half an hour just to type one message.

Then my senses began to change. This is when it got scary. The waving kinda stopped.. but my sense of touch began to delay. It was cool for a second, but the delay got longer and longer. Eventually it felt like I was stuck in a 'touch lock' where everything i touched.. the sensations stayed that way.

I freaked out and layed down on the ground. I remained calm.. my heart was racing.. I knew the best thing to do was to remain calm. The sense of touch-lock went away and was replaced with a very fast twirling. It was not the kind of sickly drunk twirl.. I couldn't feel it in my stomach, but it felt like my senses were spinning. I got up, put on some relaxing music and layed down and relaxed again. It worked for a while. I started going through cycles in my mind and body. My sense of touch first, then visuals, then sense of time.

The whole time I felt this cold wind pushing me down, my eyes were coming out of their socket too. I remember Badly Drawn Boy - River-sea-ocean came on, I was gliding on a rainbow in space.

Cold forehead and skin. It felt like my nose was bleeding, but it wasn't. I also felt rushing colours and other visuals I can't remember. I sketched some of them, but I have no recollection of actually drawing them.

1 hr later.
I panicked some more, the first hour of mental and physical fucking went on for much longer than it felt.. so I took some procedures. I made myself puke, went to the toilet. Ate more food. Drank coffee. Nothing improved.

Time was going so slow, the clock lost its rhythm. Things were flickering and strobing, like slowing down a video with a low frame rate. I got panic attacks that I'd stay locked in time forever.

I begun getting visuals, memories, a thousand images that passed through in one blink. The images made no sense.. but somehow they were linked to me. It was like I was seeing myself in one second. Life flashing before my eyes. I watched myself over and over. that was terrifying.

2 hrs later
my girlfriend's dad had came home, I decided to tell him, and maybe get me an ambulance. He got me to lie down outside. He doesn't have a way with words.. but even his awkward 'You'll be ok' comforted me.. and that got me through the next half an hour.

I was sobering up, and some guests had come over, so I went to my girlfriend's room and lyed in bed. I swear I could hear them talking and shouting angrily about marijuana. Turns out they were laughing and didn't even know I was there, but it was the most odd thing.

I concluded that lying down outside was the best thing to do. Relaxation and reassurance was the only things that got me through the trip.

I came out of the trip with a real depression and shock. To feel like that really shook me up. Now I can't even listen to the Music that I had put on, I get depressed about the whole experience.

Seeing as though I have had a history of a racing heart for no reason (happens every couple of months) I was most fearful of my heart beat most of the time.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41437
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2018Views: 878
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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