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A Very Unexpected Interaction: Caution
2C-I & Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Cactushead. "A Very Unexpected Interaction: Caution: An Experience with 2C-I & Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp41493)". Aug 8, 2005.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-I  
  T+ 3:00 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I am still feeling the strange effects of a 2c-i/Salvia combination. To start, my roommate and I had taken approximately 20mgs of 2ci. I should start by saying that we are both very experienced trippers. We have done all of the usual psychedelics as well as quite a few research chemicals. Anyways, we can handle ourselves quite well under the influence of psychedelic drugs. We were both tripping pretty hard and hit the peak by the 3 hour mark. We had passed the peak, and decided to smoke some salvia. I felt that I was prepared for the combination. I have combined LSD and Salvia before, and it produced predictable results. Namely, the same closed-eye visuals and the same body high that salvia always produced, but with the complex and colorful geometric patterns of acid superimposed onto them.

Anyways, I digress. We each took a hit of Salvia 10x extract. The Salvia/2ci combination was cool, but somewhat alarming. Instead of having a salvia high that hits me hard for a couple minutes, I get a salvia high that lasts for at least an hour. The intensity comes in waves. One minute I’ll be tripping pretty hard, and then next minute I'll tripping ridiculously hard. Then it subsides for awhile, only to kick back up a few minutes later. This process continued for about an hour, although I am still feeling its effects. The experience was quite unique from anything I had experienced on Salvia or 2ci alone. There were many characteristics that were the same, but they interacted in a way that was almost like doing an entirely new hallucinogen.

There is a profound alteration of the psyche. On 2ci, I often find that it is difficult to communicate, but the combination often made that problem much worse. I also found that it put my brain into a hyper-analytical state. I had racing thoughts that would often conflict between being positive and negative. I also experienced the Fear quite a few times during these waves. Specifically, I felt that the body high was very uncomfortable and was worried that I might have a heart attack. The Fear was caused by some uncomfortable (and sometimes slightly painful) sensations in my left arm. I don’t think I actually was going to have a heart attack, but I became afraid several times and needed to talk myself down. However, as soon as I focused on something else, my bodily discomfort would go away. It seems that my state of mind has a powerful and direct connection with the body high (on this particular combination). My skin has also felt full of pins and needles the entire time, but that wasn’t as alarming.

The visual effects were also quite strange. It seemed that everything around me had been broken down into 256 colors. Almost as though the room around me was being displayed by a Super Nintendo. There were times when it seemed as though there were even less colors. There was also a significant increase in the complexity of both OEV’s and CEV’s.

Overall, the Sally and 2ci combo rocked me pretty hard. While I was agitated for more than half of the time, I became very relaxed and lethargic as it wore off. The unique visuals are the most persistent effects, and I am still getting some interesting visuals even over an hour later. I don’t think that 2ci and Salvia is necessarily a dangerous combination, but it can be pretty intense. My roommate did not have any problems with a bad body high, or any painful sensations. Between the strange mental effects and a powerful body high, it can lead to the Fear. I think that if I ever try this again, it will be with a smaller hit of Salvia and a smaller dose of 2ci. The experience was quite rewarding though, as I decided to quit smoking and start exercising. Just like getting rid of the bad body high, it is a matter of will and sticking by a decision. It doesn’t hit you quickly like Salvia does on it’s own. It comes on much more slowly, and in waves. It was several minutes before the full intensity even hit me. Be safe, and have fun.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41493
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2005Views: 9,263
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2C-I (172) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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