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The Red Eye
Citation:   Reese W. "The Red Eye: An Experience with Cocaine (exp41643)". Erowid.org. Jun 14, 2007. erowid.org/exp/41643

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I have been doing coke for the past 4 months and had the worst experience ever about a month ago. I was at my friends house snorting lines. I purchased 5 grams from a dealer for 150 bucks. I told him I would let him get in on the lines if he smoked me up. Throughout the night we smoked bowls, and we snorted lines driving around aimlessly until about 12 o clock when I had to go home he dropped me off, and I was grinding my teeth and was real paranoid.

I managed to get in to my room without my mom seeing me. I dressed into my sleeping clothes and lay down for about an hour, and realized that I couldn’t go to sleep, and thought about how good my night was and I still had 3 grams left.

I prepared .5 of a gram into 2 lines and a little pile to make my mouth numb and chilled for a while, but then about 20 minutes later I started to crave it again, and snorted another gram, and when I was done with that I didn’t feel anything so I did the rest of the .5 and decided I would save the other g for tomorrow. Now it was about 4 in the morning and I had to get up at 7 to go to a four team wrestling match, where I had to wrestle 3 matches.

Needless to say I never got asleep and blew 2 lines before I left and felt wonderful, by the time I got to the school I was more tired then I have ever been in my life, I couldn’t keep my eyes open at all. We got on the bus for a 30 minute drive and by the time I got to weigh ins I was so tired that there was something wrong with me. I saw lights flashing and everything looked like it was rocking back and forth. When I got on the scale I was 249. Eleven pounds under my regular weight. I never said anything the whole time I was there, and when someone talked to me, I would just tell them I had the flu and I didn’t feel good.

When I went to wrestle my first match the kid punched me right in the face and made it look like an accident and the ref never called it. I got so mad so much adrenaline went through my body and before I realized what happened I had him on his back pinned. I walked off the mat and everyone if telling me my eye is bright red. The trainer came over and looked at my eye and said I might have a concussion because my pupils were huge and not responding to light.

The whole way to the hospital I was convincing my parents to just not go. I thought for sure they were going to find out somehow, but by the time I got there my pupils were responding to light just fine, and my red eye started to heal and I was told 'it should heal within 1 week and if it doesn’t come back' it’s fine now. When I got home I took a nice 8 hour nap and woke up and snorted the rest. It was crazy.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41643
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2007Views: 1,237
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), Various (28)

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