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When It's All I've Got
Tobacco (Cigar)
Citation:   give-it-a-go. "When It's All I've Got: An Experience with Tobacco (Cigar) (exp41757)". Sep 26, 2006.

1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
For reasons I will not relate, I must refrain from all drug use. I was particularly fond of psychedelics before I stopped using.

Anyway, I turned my eyes to the good ole sanctioned three: caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Of these, I’ve found nicotine to offer the most.

They say you shouldn’t inhale cigar smoke, which is probably a good idea. However, there is this “cigar in the shape of a cigarette” brand. It’s got a filter. I find it in the cigar section—not in the cigarette section as with other cigarettes. I smoke one of these and I am DONE for a good five minutes. I’m talking “drooling” high--not the *joke* highs I get from regular cigarettes. I smoke it like marijuana, taking in deep inhalations and holding the breath in as much as possible.

It’s dirt cheap too. Cigarettes cost 25 cents each if I'm lucky. These cost about 9 cents a pop. Any way you slice it, it’s the best deal—legal and cheap. Best reserved for those who can’t get any real drugs or especially—as is my case—those who are weaning themselves off of real drugs.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41757
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2006Views: 11,339
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Tobacco (47) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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