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Citation:   Paperboy. "INSANT-TRIP: An Experience with DMT (exp41932)". Jan 1, 2020.

1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
I found out that my good, long time friend had got something called DMT. He called and invited me over because he knew how much I enjoy tripping on 'acid', LSD. I must first tell you I am not a lightweight with Psychedelics. I am 25 and have eaten Various forms of blotter, liquid, microdots and tripped to the max since age 15. I have eaten 10 hits of high grade White Blotter before and I was told it was from the LSD crystal 'FLUFF'.

LSD-25 White Rabbit....So I was told. It was some of the the strongest, freshest, cleanest cid I have had to date. Straight outta SAN FRAN mailed to FLORIDA!! I saw & heard the world melt into fractal patterns of various forms of waves & colors morphing in & out of each other for a few days!!!! It was intense.

So was this one hit of DMT. Now back To the DMT Experience....

It was a peach/orange tinted powder and the dose looked Very little. I was told it was organic DMT. He handed me a wooden bowl from out of a bong and said it was what everyone else was using. He put some ashes in the bowl so it would not suck through. After I put the DMT in the bowl I took a long deep hit like one would hit resin from weed. By the time I was done inhaling I was feeling lightheaded and immediatlly began feeling it. I then start seeing stars with the hit in my lungs, My body feels like I took way too much Ecstacy 'MDMA' and I was forced to blow the hit out. Then I start coughing, run to the sink & puke violently while the Hallucination intensifys to engulf the whole earth. My friend is saying 'It's all good man It's all Gravy' while he pats me on the back. I scream/Say 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!!!' while catching my breath in between puking. After 2-3 minutes of being changed by the DMT I become more comfortable with this overwhelming feeling & visual/auditory hallucinations of jagged/sharp/jigsaw patterns I am seeing. Similar to LSD but NOT THE SAME AT ALL. The music was very,very distorted. MORE AUDIO HALLUCINATION... The world looked very, very different.

MORE VISUAL HALLUCINATION...... Feeling scared for a brief second I wondered when this would end even though I knew from reading experience reports earlier in the week. I lay on the floor as I catch my breath and laugh at the visuals...I will SURVIVE!!! I then get up and begin to walk around as everyone went outside and left my crazy ass inside. I now feel great and live to tell the tale. Within 30 minutes I was back down to where I could drive home. A 20 minute peak with the first 5 being the most intense.

I did not do the drug again for 1 month as the first dose was so intense. I realized that there must have been left over DMT that absorbed into the wooden bowl before I hit it meaning I probablly took too MUCH.... Like MORE THAN 1 DOSE. I am the only one that I know who has puked from it.

I no longer will hit DMT from a wooden bowl/ I take a regular dose out of a glass bowl now & it is way more FUN!!! ALL My friends who tried this DMT all have said that it is INTENSE & QUICK Acting. INSANT TRIP.....

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 41932
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 1, 2020Views: 882
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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