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My Head is on Gears
Citation:   Mosekid. "My Head is on Gears: An Experience with Cannabis (exp42107)". Jul 17, 2007.

0.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
BODY WEIGHT: 101.5 lb
I have been a light Marijuana user for a modest amount of time, but nothing even came close to this experience. I was at home alone and I decided to smoke a little of the Marijuana I had bought from a friend earlier in the day to help me relax. I smoked what couldn’t have been more than ½ gram. Within five minutes I knew something was off, I had intended to take a shower afterwards so I was in the bathroom and the shower was running. After smoking I could barely clean up. I began feeling like I was daydreaming; only whatever I dreamed up became real.

About ten minutes into the experience I was swept out into what seemed like space. I was floating and I had completely lost connection with my physical body. Then I came back, instead of floating in space I was floating in my bathroom. I knew I had to clean up so I stuck my head under the shower, which seemed to partially ground me for about a minute. I cleaned up my stuff and went back into my room.

I started feeling like I could hear ever ligament and nerve and bone in my body move and click as I moved any part of my body. I felt as if I was a robot, when I moved my head I felt like It was being moved by gears. Eventually I had almost convinced myself that I was a robot. I moved downstairs by my TV, a change of environment seemed to ground me for a minute or two. Once the effects were back I realized since my head was on gears I could move it to any part of my body. I could move my head down my sides and see all different perspectives.

Then I was sucked into another all enveloping hallucination. I was being roasted rotisserie style over an open fire by African Natives. Where the fire should have been burning me, I felt only warmth, like an extreme concentration of body energy. Eventually the feeling had enveloped my entire body, I felt as if I was in space again, only this time I was floating with warmth and body energy flowing through my body.

I came back to reality and realized that 28 days later, that zombie movie, was on TV. I felt like my eyes were bouncy balls bouncing around my sockets. I couldn’t move my eyes straight to something, if I tried to move them to the left, they would zigzag up and down until they got there. I felt hungry all the sudden, I started eating crackers since they were right next to me. All the sudden I felt almost like an attachment to a cracker and I started licking it uncontrollably. I licked it and then took a bite, which felt like the ultimate ecstasy. After that I don’t remember much, I think that Phone both came on TV and I began to come down. I woke up this morning on my couch with the TV still on. I don’t know why this happened but if given the choice I would repeat an experience like it without hesitation.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42107
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2007Views: 5,585
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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