A Joke?
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   M0T0RH3D. "A Joke?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp42358)". Erowid.org. Dec 29, 2021. erowid.org/exp/42358

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  sublingual Salvia divinorum (leaves)
To start of off with, The dosage was most likely quite high....I disreguarded all warnings...after having smoked 1g before and got nothing but a sense of euphoria (which may have been a creation of my own mind anyway). I was excited to try Salvia...so the Euphoria is jusitifibly created by my mind, and not the Salvia smoke.

Drug use Background:
MJ- 6 times, found to be the best thusfar
Absinthe- Quells annoying useless thoughts....and slows thoughts to manageable pace...
DXM...used one bottle...done it 3 times...1st time was strongest, I apparently quickly built a tolerance to it.
HBW- 17 seeds....nothing more than picking up on echos in music and euphoria.
Morning glories- stomach ache from hell. mass confusion.

I just took a wad of dried salvia leaves and thew them in water 10minutes... balled the scattered mess into a quid. Squeezed excess water out; the quid was HUGE...my jaw hurt for atleast 15minutes AFTER I spat the quid out.

Instead of passing out/having other dangerous and/or adverse effects; NOTHING occurred...NOTHING at all; no euphoria, no CEVs/OEVs...no auditory hallucinations...NOTHING AT ALL...I just wasted 40mins chewing a bitter leaf that is said to have incredible psychoacitve abilites....I avoided sugar out of fear it would interfere with absobtion of Salvias active component.

Salvia, as far as I am concerned is nothing but a big joke, its expensive and pathetic....

Mostly annoyed due to past lousy exp. with Salvia (note above)
but I prepped for as much of shamanistic experience as I could.
I ensured no noises would annoy me. turned off lights, and rested with a quiet drumming in background.

Salvia extract is my next move.... if nothing happens; I may consider doing a video to demonstrate that it doesn't work! just anger salvia users that say its so great! >=p

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42358
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 29, 2021Views: 73
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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