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If Looks Could Kill
by Czar
Citation:   Czar. "If Looks Could Kill: An Experience with Mescaline (exp42361)". Jan 24, 2018.

300 mg   Mescaline
It was new years eve 2004, I had ingested 300mg of mescaline at 8:00pm. It kicked in at 10:30 and was very pleasant. I headed to a party and continued to be fucked up. At around 12:30am I looked down at my khaki pants and they were now blue, green, and purple shapes moving all about. I glanced at a zebra rug on the floor and it was moving insanely.

I headed home at about 1:00am. I went inside and headed to the basement door (that is where my bedroom is) and when I opened it and took that first step down, it was like I had stepped into another dimension and it got crazy from here. I sat around for hours, actually, only minutes, but it felt like hours, watching television til I figured out it was to crazy to watch, it then proceeded to the 'Pink Floyd THE WALL' dvd in and watch that, I got about 10 mins into it and I was freakin out

I continued to watch my floor and walls and a picture I painted with spraypaint. I looked at my floor a while later and noticed it was like water. I reached down to touch it and it rippled out from where I had. I eventually came back upstairs and sat in the family room for a while looking around at the vine and flower wallpaper. I then noticed a picture of the virgin mary. She looked really angry. Like she was mad at me for tripping balls. It slowly declined from there until my dad came into the spare bedroom at about 4:00 am when I was still kinda tripping. He knew I was on something, but he didn't quite know what. My older brother came home shortly after tripping on some acid he had gotten from Colorado (we live in Illinois). I talking with him for a while about his trip and mine. I slept for about 12 hours that day. It was one hell of a trip. Needless to say I am never tripping on anything again. 10 hours of pure madness.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42361
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2018Views: 1,571
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Mescaline (36) : General (1), Various (28)

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