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LSD & Methylphenidate
Citation:   D-money. "Ritacid: An Experience with LSD & Methylphenidate (exp4237)". Dec 24, 2001.

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4 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  4 tablets oral Pharms - Methylphenidate  

I and most of my close friends are frequent users of many drugs. Prefferably, but not limited to, psychedelics. I have been experimenting with just about any light drugs I can get my hands on now for quite some time, and have had many good, bad, great, and horrible experiences. When I say light drugs, I am only excluding coke, meth, crack, heroin, and all that really heavy stuff. I have tried most combinations as well. Acid with X, acid with shrooms, shrooms with X, and just about everything with weed. On a few desperate nights we have experimented with taking a few of my ritalin. The experience is not real strong, it has some nice effects, but the comedown is pretty unbearable.

One night me and three of my friends decided to take 4 hits of acid each, out of a vile I had bought earlier. Then me and one of my friends proceeded to take 4 pills of ritalin to help the acid kick in. The come on was very quick, about 20 minutes to half an hour. At first I felt extremely exited, hyper, and the sentimental effects that come with the ritalin. About an hour into it I started getting strange visuals. Not the slow geometric type of hallucinations I usually get, but fast, blurry, almost aggressive visuals. About 1 and half hours into the trip I got extremely anxious and I felt like running around, but I couldn't move at all. My friend who also took some ritalin was definetly much different. He would have so much energy that he would up so fast he would immediatly fall down. He also moved his faced non stop at almost scary speeds. He would tilt his eyebrows and smile, move his nose and shift his facial features at at amazing speeds. I then began to get scared that he would have a heart attack because he was so sped up. Then I remembered that I took the same amount. I felt sick, and went to the bathroom and threw up. This sped up the trip intensely. When I came out of the bathroom I couldn't see, and I could hear my heart beat above any sounds. At this point I just wanted to survive it. My heart was speeded up so much I could feel it tingle and throb throughout my body. Because we took the ritalin the trip lasted until early the morning. As it finally wore off I felt sick and scared. I don't recomend trying this to anyone who has never tryed ritalin alone, and I still would't recomend 'ritacid' to anyone seeking a relaxed trip.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 4237
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 24, 2001Views: 13,226
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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