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H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Pedigogue. "Selfishlessness: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp42423)". Apr 6, 2019.

10 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
After plenty of research (mostly just reading other trip reports), I thought I would give the good ol' H.B. a try. I bought 50 seeds online for $15. I made sure that they were the nice little fuzzy guys I'd heard are the best. A friend of mine and I ingested 10 seeds a piece at about 10:00 a.m.

I planned going for a hike, but found myself compelled to just be. After about 45 minutes, some nausea took affect. I usually would try to fight the feeling until the onset passed, but I really didn't find it to unpleasant to purge my body. Not only did I release myself of the toxins, but found a cleansing feeling overtaking me upon releasing the seeds from my gut. It felt as though I had just had a shower for my soul. My buddy held the seeds in, with little nausea. I think diet was the main differentiating factor in our two outcomes. The trip came on strong shortly after I made friends with the toilette.

I'm not sure how much time had passed, didn't really care. My mind was off the walls. It was some of the more intense soul searching I've ever done. As I rambled on for probably hours, my friend just sat in contentment and enjoyed the performance. Some time had passed with him saying nothing, until he stopped me in mid sentence. I think I was talking about care of others as being an overwhelming disease in my life. I put others before myself. He says to me nine words,'the most important person in your life is yourself.' Right then and there, I discontinued verbal communication and changed my life.

Since that day, I still am a very compassionate, caring person, but I do everything for myself only. This doesn't mean neglect others, but do what makes me happy over anything else. This may include making others happy, or making others sad. I am a changed person because of these seeds, and I have tripped on a lot of stuff before. I am now more focused and centered than ever before, and have an intense understanding that life is an adventure in education.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42423
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 6, 2019Views: 737
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