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The Trip to the Jungle
Citation:   Zolpidem. "The Trip to the Jungle: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp42449)". Jan 24, 2020.

This actually happened a few years ago when I was still in high school. But I'll never forget...
It was first period (History I think) and the class was getting settled in waiting for the bell to ring. While we were sitting around talking, a girl that I had given some phentermine (a really good Rx amphetamine) to the previous day decided to return the favor with 2 ambiens. 'take 'em both' she said.I wasn't sure about them...never even heard of 'em prior to that day. I really didn't know the girl that well so I wasn't sure that I should just take random pills from her but next thing I knew she pulled two out for herself and took them right there. 'what the heck' I thought here it goes...

Shortly after class began I took them. The teacher explained that we were going to be watching a video and soon after turned out the lights and started the video. I watched it for maybe ten minutes ( still can't remeber what it was about) but then it began to kick in---hard. I had a seat right next to the window. The outside of the building was lined with bushes and as I sat and stared at the bushes in the dark classroom I began to experience strange hallucinations. The bushes seemed more like a jungle, they weren't just bushes, NO, NO! They were all I could see... I continued to stare at them and as I did so I remember thinking very intensley about a wild lion. I didn't see it, but it was almost like I did it was all I could think about... then suddenly every in the class is standing up I think. Class is over. (I now realize I must have spent the entire class staring at the bush). I get a little fuzzy at this point,but I think I remember sitting and trying to figure out where my class was going; why they were all leaving. I think I may have been prompted by my teacher to leave. If that was the case he didn't notice anything, but I remember as soon as I walked outside of class I couldn't believe my eyes (still trippin'... Classes were only like 45 mins. and I took them about 10 mins. into class) Everyone walking through the hall just looked like a big stream of movement blended in together. (They were like those time-lapse photos of nighttime traffic when the lights all blend together and just look like a big long line of white and red lights)I must have been just staring at the people because shortly after a friend came out of nowhere and started laughing hysterically and asking what I took and what was wrong with me. At that very moment I began to slowly come down from my plateau (what a buzz kill) but was still only able to voice some incoherent mumble of a response. Next I was off to computer class.

In here I began to sober very quickly. It's funny because we used to always have to start out class with a typing program that was designed to help increase student's typing speeds and I was usually capable of typing around 80 AWPM. That day however I must have been typing around 5 1/2. I don't know how fast I was really going but I remember that I was having a really hard time with my motor skills.

In conclusion this may all sound scary or weird, but it truly was phenomona, so unique. Looking back at my story I can't believe I didn't get into some major trouble. Evem doing it at home... I SHOULD NOT HAVE DRIVEN for heavans' sake!

P.S. Ambien is a use as needed only drug I've come to find out through the years and If I try to use it too soon again even the next day I don;t trip as hard, if at all... I'd say wait.... eghhhh......hmmmmmm....... I like to wait even maybe a week.

Anyway, thanks for reading my story.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 42449
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2020Views: 776
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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