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Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue), Codeine & Cannabis
by Marc
Citation:   Marc. "Potential!: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue), Codeine & Cannabis (exp42544)". Aug 25, 2008.

T+ 0:00
50 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 5:30 300 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 0:00   oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:45 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
And so the LSA arises in my experiences again. That is to say, that I have tried morning glory before, in fact I tried a cold water extraction (evaporating a good deal of the water) with about 1200 seeds or so in it. I ended up testing it one night by dipping a cup into the liquid and drinking it(just a bit), but I fell asleep before it really came up, only remembering having lucid, vivid dreams, and was well rested.

I ended up doing the rest of it (which sedamented a lot on the bottom of the pan it was evoporating in) 2 days after the that trial, and ended up having a rather unpleasant, mild trip, with wavy/blury vision, no real visuals, except when I concentrated, I could make everything fade/shimmer into one another, like I could focus my eyes to make the cross lines in the ceiling disappear, so they were gone and the rough texture covered the entire ceiling, and a stomach cramp that endured and ruined the entire experience for me, with only mild bursts of euphoria. I watched comedies the entire timto try and help me laugh and stay in a good mood.

Now I am not sure if it was cause the seeds were treated, as I did wash them with detergent thoroughly, but every time I have tried Morning Glory seeds, 5 times including this report, they have caused me nausea and pain, and have not been very worthwhile trips. And all times I took over 400 seeds.

This time though, it wasn't too bad. Yesterday after work I walked across the street to the plant shop there, and stole a few packs of seeds. On the way home I munched on 50 of them (1:00ish) without washing them or anything. They didn't taste too bad, kinda like hemp seeds, but more dirt-ish tasting. I remember feeling a bit more energized maybe around 3, but I didn't note any real change in perception or visuals. So I figured I'd wash the rest of them a try them all later that night.

And so it came. This was my first time just eating the seeds plain, as that was how my friends did it when they tried it, and their trips were really strong. And they only did 500 or so seeds. Mind you, this was about a year and a half before and from a different seed company (the same seeds I used in the 1200 seeds extraction). So I grabbed a can of pop, and slowly munched on the seeds like spits, until I had a few left in my hand, and I just didn't want to eat anymore. I had about 400 seeds in my hand to start with. This was about 6:30 or so.

Now I didn't keep track of time or anything, in fact I mostly just chilled in my room watching tv as a slight stomach discomfort grew. The discomfort had minor jabs of pain in the side of my stomach from time to time, but nothing nearly as bad as when I did that big water extraction. The cramps lasted the entirety of the trip, easing near the end eventually turning into the shits and gas. But for the LSA effects, I did notice them to be mild. There was nothing really for visuals, I remember laying in my bed and being able to slightly manipulate the painting on my wall. Like wiggle parts of the picture or something with my breathing, but nothing without trying. I felt a little more energized, at least in my head (clear), and I noticed that I was far more suseptable to laughter from things on tv. I watched fear factor, and couldn't keep this huge smile off my face almost the entire show, and when the guy won I got some nice euphoric laughter bursts, same when I watched the end of pimp my ride, and seeing the dope car.

But overall it wasn't really anything big. My pupils weren't much different, I was pretty warm, feeling slightly feverish as I do when I normally take drugs that don't agree with my stomach, and the cramps and nausea wouldn't subside. I did pop a t3 and a couple asprin eventually which I did notice eased the cramps, and made my body feel heavier and relaxed, especially my legs(which isn't a normal thing for me from 1 t3) which tend to cramp up when I do certain strains of mush, and psychedelics. Around 9:45 or so, my legs started to cramp like I was used to, and I was getting pretty warm, and uncomfortable, I guess the t3 was wearing off, so I decided to go ask my dealer to front me another joint (I owed him for an 1/8 already, but gave him $20 when I got there) I got the joint, walked home, rolled it and smoked it in my front yard. Now this is where the things start to change.

Inhaling the smoke was not the comfortable, soothing feeling it normally is. It made my stomach feel more uncomfortable, and made me want to throw up pretty badly. But I kept toking, and trying to ignore the discomfort, waiting for the thc to kick in. And by the time I got to the roach, I was starting to feel damn good. I stood up, walked towards the front door, and as looked at the grass, I stopped and zoned out on it for a moment. It was a completely unintentional zone out, I just stopped and stared for some reason, and it instantly felt like being on a bit of good mush. The discomfort left, the grass started turning into a star pattern, and then started to fade and shimmer, and shake all around on the ground, like what I remember from visuals in the 1200 seeds trip. It was really awesome, and made me laugh out loud, the burst of euphoria from it feeling amazing. It reminded me of Mush anyway, but was different in the euphoria, way more pleasurable, and almost narcoticy.

I went inside and watched tv, and about after an hour, I felt pretty normal besides come down for mj, it not so much being a burnout. Weed never lasts long for me anymore, or maybe it was just bad bud itself, I dono. My stomach just grumbling and being gasy till I fell asleep.

It was all not too bad, besides the beginning, and before finally getting that joint, when the stomach discomforts where the worst, but otherwise, the actually psychoactive effects, which I seemed to only dip my foot into, was really awesome, and in the future I definetly now plan to extract the LSA as pure as I can. I can't wait to feel what it will be like to have a full LSA extracted dose with a joint or two in me!

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42544
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 25, 2008Views: 7,786
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Morning Glory (38) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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