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Dreaming of Hallucination
Citation:   seedy. "Dreaming of Hallucination: An Experience with Ketamine (exp42583)". Aug 13, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
It all started unexpectedly. I was at a friends apartment one evening when he asked if I wanted to do some K. Being the experienced psychonaut I was, I quickly accepted his offer. I had my reservations about insufflation, but quickly got over them after my first bump. After a few minutes I began to feel slightly drunk. Once this intensified, I felt similar effects to that of DXM. Nice body buzz, and general euphoria. Once this wore off about 30-45 minutes later, I did a similar dose, with similar effects. Then, a third and final dose. I enjoyed the evening, and told my friend that I'd like to get ahold of some more of this stuff for my own.

A week later I got the call, and J informed me that he could me get vials of K at a reasonable price. I bought one, and he 'cooked' it into a dry form for me. I spent the evening with another friend, K, drinking Amaretto and doing small bumps, playing cards, and having a good time. I would say that our doses up to this point were relatively small compared to what I would do a few days later.

I was hanging out with 2 other friends, G and M, and surprised them with the rest of my supply. Both of them had tried it before, but were disappointed by smaller than expected doses, and wanted to do it again. My girlfriend didn't like the fact that I was doing this drug, so I figured I should get rid of it as quickly as possible. It was also M's birthday, so I felt this was a good opportunity to have a good time killing many birds with one stone. We split up the remainder of the K into 6 relatively big lines, each of which were *several* times the dose that I had done up until this point. We each did a line, and so our journey began.

G was complaining that he wasn't feeling anything, but I assured him things would be very different in a minute or two. We proceeded outside (it was dark; about 11:30) to enjoy our buzz. As it kicked in, I was amazed at the intensity of higher doses. My head started to jumble a bit, and I began thinking very strangely. It was like I was instantly thrown into the most intense DXM experience of my life. We sat in G's car, talking and listening to music. I remember talking to G from his back seat, only being able to see his eyes. His mouth was covered by the seat, and I felt like I was speaking to an entity with two floating eyes staring at me. It was crazy. We got out of the car and wandered for a bit, VERY inebriated. I remember one point, where I suddenly heard the super mario bros theme in my head, and decided it would be fun to jump around, breaking bricks, and collecting coins and such. It was a very bizarre train of thought. We went back inside and sat for awhile, talking introspectively, as the K wore off.

Thinking we had a handle on things, we decided to do the rest of the K and adventure out even further this time. G's house was right across the street from a high school, and we were going to make a late night visit. I finished my portion, and went to the front door to wait for G and M. By the time I reached the end of G's driveway, I was completely blown away. This was even more intense than before. I was thrown into bizzarro world. Everything felt incredibly distant, and my whole visual perspective seemed as if it were rotating around my head. I was floored by the effects of this drug, and felt panic, as I had never been this messed up in my life. I have done mushrooms, LSD, DXM, salvia, nitrous, and countless other psychoactives, and never felt anything close to this. G convinced me to keep moving toward the school. I then realized that I had been walking the whole time. It no longer felt like I was walking. I felt as if my consciousness was being pushed forward by an unknown force. I had no control of my legs. After what seemed like ages, we were finally in the school parking lot, about 150 yards away.

By this point I was continually amazed that the effects were still going stronger yet. I was no longer seeing straight. My vision was similar to a series of snapshots of things I was looking at. The night time and street lights increased this effect. It was like a lucid dream. A lucid dream after taking LSD. I felt intense panic now, thinking that police would roll up on us at any minute, and we would immediately be taken in, as we would be too blown away to explain ourselves or even understand what was happening, let alone communicate normally. Once we all realized it wasn't safe to be wandering around a school like this at night, we made the decision to head back. I felt more comfort after recognizing familiar territory once again. We then wandered through a field, to a lightly wooded area in G's back yard. We were much safer where no one would find us. We stood beneath a lone apple tree, attempting to communicate normally with one another. The air was cold and crisp and the moon, now being our only source of light, was shining brilliantly. I stood beneath the tree knowing that once I finally came to my senses I would make the decision never do K again. Honestly I was considering giving up all drugs by that point, but we all know that's not what happened. :)

I was so blown away by this experience... It was unlike anything I had ever done before. Although the intensity frightened me at points, I would say that I enjoyed it very much. It was incredibly unique. I've made the choice not to do it anymore, but I find that just as with many other drugs, I do them a few times, ride the high, and then move on. This may not apply to everyone, but I think that a drug like K is almost TOO good to be true, and should be taken more seriously than what we considered.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42583
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 13, 2018Views: 821
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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