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Waking up Paralyzed
Dreaming (Sleep Paralysis)
Citation:   Molly. "Waking up Paralyzed: An Experience with Dreaming (Sleep Paralysis) (exp42591)". Aug 10, 2007.

I don't know if this is relevant to anything but, maybe for those experiencing the same thing, they can reassured they're not the only ones. Well, the first time it happened was in 2004. I was extremely tired and I had eaten regularly. I layed down and listened to Slipknot an drifted into a light sleep, the kind where you have dreams though you're not really sleeping, not really awake. i dreamt I was in a car with my boyfriend and he looked over to me and his face deteriorated and we crashed off a bridge. I woke up instantly but, the weird thing was...I couldn't move anything but my eyes. I was definately freaking out. The room was dark and I have a slight fear of the dark so I clenched my eyes together tight. Slowly, I began to regain movement until I was completely normal. I stayed up a little longer then passed out.

I told my friends about it and one of my friends said she had a video that mentions that type of thing in it. It was a video documenting satanic happenings or something like that. There was a segment talking about waking up paralyzed and seeing dark figures. It was exactly what happened to me but then it carried on to talk about people being killed by the dark figures which kind of scared me, but I didn't dwell on it.

I didn't experience it again for awhile until I hadn't slept all night then went to a friend's house. We weren't doing much, just laying on his bed watching Family Guy so I drifted into a light sleep. I dreamt I was in a hotel room. But then it turned into a lucid dream and I wanted to walk into the hall and explore my dream manifestations. I walked out and I saw my great grandmother in a long dress. She died when I was 10 and I was really heartbroken over it so I chased her receding stance into a doctor's office and I dropped to my knees and started crying. I woke up crying and paralyzed. My friend was freaking out and all I could do was lay there until I regained control.

After that, I was afraid to go to sleep each night but then the fear of waking up paralyzed slowly diminished. Then, recently, it started happening alot. After the third time after the 'relapse' I tried doing different things when I woke up paralyzed like trying my HARDEST to move my fingers and I found out it helped quicken the return to normalcy. The last time it happened was with another friend and that time I tried making sounds and I could manage moans. It truly is a scary thing for me and I have no clue why I haven't gone to a doctor yet. Maybe the fact my parents don't care enough to schedule appointments for me unless I'm on the brink of death. Hopefully, I'll get to talk to a doctor about it and find out what's happening. Until then, I leave a nightlight on ;P

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42591
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 10, 2007Views: 11,233
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