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Pleasurable and Smooth
Citation:   Prism. "Pleasurable and Smooth: An Experience with 5-MeO-DPT (exp42846)". Jun 19, 2007.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral 2C-C  
  T+ 0:00 10 mg oral 5-MeO-DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:25 10 mg oral 5-MeO-DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:15 3 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 7:00 50 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Dosage of 10mg each, following a few hours after coming down from 2C-C trip. Will report as needed.

T +0:00
10 mg ingested with coke (the soft drink, if there was doubt). Stronger bitter/chem taste than 60mg's of 2C-C taken earlier.

No discernable effects. Considering another 10mgs.

Feeling a little light-headed. Taking another 10mgs. Fluke is going strong.

T senses things starting to happen. mild tingling, chills.


E: Sudden euphoric rush toes-to-head. things definitely happening, though no sensory distortion. O feeling light discomfort.


O claims neural damage. None of us have any visuals. Good mood, though, except O. Mild-medium euphoric tingling, nothing overwhelming. Testing hash as a possible booster. Issues being debated eagerly: Base jumping and pez.


T and E still feeling the good mood and some other trippy sensations, while O just feels tired. E and O heads home.

Conclusion: T and E found this chemical to be very pleasant and enjoyable, nothing heavy. Whilst O found it unpleasant, had other effects and came down hours before the others.

Two found it very pleasant, whilst the third had only bad feelings, and had no plans of doing it over.

Now its T+4:15 and I am alone(T) and still feeling very pleasant. Thinking about snorting 100mg Dpt, but I think I`ll smoke another bong while I think about it some more.

3 bong hits later: I`m not in doubt that THC really enhances the good vibes and floaty sensation, having problems writhing this, so I`ll take a break. The room is spinning.


The ganja is wearing off, and I decide to snort 50 mg of dpt. I am really exhausted because I’ve been awake for over two days on amphetamines.

While the DPT is kicking inn I make two big bong hits, and smoke one. I just float in to a trancelike state, listening to chill out music, and I think I was asleep by 8,00.

Slept the whole day, until 3 in the afternoon feeling hungry and exhausted. I went out and got some food, and now I feel fine (dropped 20mg valium 20 min. ago).

This could change the effects a bit, but T (two days on speed) and E quiet rested, had very similar experiences.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42846
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 10,836
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5-MeO-DPT (391) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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