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Reflections on Rolling
Citation:   PsychonautOfInfinite. "Reflections on Rolling: An Experience with MDMA (exp42939)". Feb 18, 2020.

    MDMA (pill / tablet)
This report isn't a single experience, but rather a collection of my thoughts and reflections on the popular drug Ecstasy(MDMA).

For some background, I'm 18 years old and have been experimenting with mind-altering substances for about a year and half or so. Over this span of time I have indulged in the use of marijuana(almost daily), had a few unforgettable sessions with uncle cid, snorted cocaine while on the clock with my manager, and enjoyed many wild shroom adventures amongst what I only knew at the time to be a completely alternate version of reality. I've also tried a plethora of RX meds and even a particular research chemical. In addition, crystal meth, LSA, and 2C-I are not knew to me. While these all offer their own unique experiences, I hold none as valuable and favorably as I do with the hug-drug, Ecstasy. It has led me to several profound realizations, such as acceptance of myself and the world around me, and also provided some of the most recreationally enjoyable experiences of my lifetime.

This time last year I was offered up the chance to try E, so I quickly jumped on it. Unlike with most users, I found that my first go with X was not all that mindblowing and initially found the drug to be far less exciting than what I'd heard it was cracked out to be.

After a few more successive attempts, I almost found that the roll would get better with each go. Sadly, one thing about X is that pill quality and purity differ with each new batch. Some are good, some great, others just plain disappointing. I assumed this to be the cause of my sub-par introduction to what rolling is all about.

Seeing as how the quality of pills seemed to be getting better, I quickly got immersed into the scene and culture that surround this revolutionary drug. Finding X enthusiasts was not difficult, as it seems to have strong popularity where I live. I soon made a new friend at my job who described himself as an 'E-tard' and told me how heavily he was into it. Due to working together and sharing a common interest, we became close friends in no time.

One evening, I just returned home from a party when I found myself at home still on the peak of an X-trip. I ended up listening to some heavily ambiant trance and looking at myself in the mirror. I had previously been a highly likable guy to all on the surface, but faced anxiety and had self-defeating habits that led to moderate depression and low self-esteem. Looking at my reflection sent a chain of thoughts into my head about who I was and where I was going. In a single moment I destroyed the chains which had previously held me down and discovered for the first time, that I actually like myself in all my entirety. It was a profound experience for me that I feel has forever, in relatively subtle ways, changed who I am today.

On the downside, it is extremely advisable to keep rolling to once a month(at the most), as the aftereffects can sometimes leave me feeling depressed and very lethargic the following day.
If used wisely, X has great potential and is actually quite safe.

Sharing the same feeling, or rolling with my significant other, can be an intensely pleasing. I have rolled with my girlfriend on just one occasion but it was remarkable to say the least. Raving is also a phenominal activity and has provided some great times. :)

Well, ladies and gentlemen, here is just another person's perspective on Ecstasy and what it is all about. I believe that X is a worthwhile experience that can lead to self-discovery and a renewed aspect on life.

Exp Year: 1ExpID: 42939
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2020Views: 640
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MDMA (3) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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