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Improved Learning Benefits
Citation:   See Chao. "Improved Learning Benefits: An Experience with Vasopressin (exp42981)". Jul 22, 2018.

0.05 ml insufflated Vasopressin (liquid)
  0.1 ml insufflated Vasopressin (liquid)
Vassopressin Trial

I had received two 5ml vials of Vasopressin that had found its way into the hands of a more... Recreational explorer, as he was not interested in the more subltle effects vasopressin promissed, he was easily convinced to part with the vials.
I used an insulin needle to measure out a dose of 5 units, and squirted it deep into my nostril, I dosed 5 units before work, a job I had just started, accounting, which I had never done before, figured it was as good a time as any to test the improved learning benefits. I used up the entire first bottle, at this doseage, and I did learn my job very quickly, nothing superhuman, but I was impressed. At this point, I had 'felt' no effects, its only in retrospect that the improved learning becomes apparent, and even it, it could easily be atributed to psychosomatic responce, but no matter what caused the effect, it was there. I upped the doseage to 10 units for the second bottle, at 10 units, there was a noticable imediate effect of increased energy and clarity, like a shot of caffein or oxygen to the brain. Again, nothing spectacular, this isnt speed, but it did noticably improve my mental state. I am now attending university, and wish I had waited to do my trail run now, but with my experiance, I would definatly consider a Vasopressin routine if I had a steady supply, and I'm looking forward to trying Desmopressin in the near future.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 42981
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 22, 2018Views: 3,118
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Vasopressin (224) : General (1), Performance Enhancement (50), Various (28)

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