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Less Is Better
Lagochilus inebrians & Cannabis
by user
Citation:   user. "Less Is Better: An Experience with Lagochilus inebrians & Cannabis (exp43274)". Jun 10, 2005.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I already posted a report about my 1st use of L.inebrians as a relaxing tea. I tried a second time at a dose of 5 grams (just like 1st time) in a longly boiled tea, and had the same effects than the 1st time (very relaxed, a bit lazy), but found it less cool than the 1st time. Possibly, it doesnt mix well with cannabis (though I smoked just 1 little stick), or the effect curve ends in a somehow 'febrile' state (some kind of a body 'vibrating feeling', while mentally relaxed).

I finally tried Lagochilus again, at a lower dose. I boiled just 2 grams. The tea was very bitter, but more bearable than the 5g tea. Again, effects started 1/4 of an hour after ingestion. Between 1/2 an hour and 3/4, the effects were at their max. I liked it better than the stronger 5 g tea. I didnt feel like on drugs, less inebriated but totally calm. That night, I had reasons to be upset, or a little bitter (troubles with work that day), but was just calm and happy. My mental processes werent slowed down, and I was less lazy than with a 5g tea. I smoked pot with cool results. It doesnt seem to be a synergy between pot and L. inebrians.

Problems were totally unimportant and I was more relaxed than with blue lotus or with the bluelotus/alcohol mix. The opioid dimension and 'stoned' effect were lacking, but I felt more emotionally stable and more deeply relaxed. 4 hours after ingestion, the 'febrile' feeling began to set on. It lasted less than 1 hour. As I smoked pot that night, I still dont know if its a side effect of combination with Cannabis, or a part of the Lagochilus effect curve. Anyway, it was mild. There was no after effect.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43274
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2005Views: 29,335
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Lagochilus inebrians (345) : Unknown Context (20), General (1), Combinations (3)

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